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Iola, Forgemaster

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Iola, Forgemaster

Iola Forgemaster.png
Quest giver
The Crystarium (X:11.4, Y:8.7)
Quest line
Facet of Forging
Experience 54,000
Gil 752
Previous quest
Feature QuestThe Crystalline Mean
Next quest
Side QuestTo Struggle Nu Mou

Iola seems perturbed by a crafting conundrum.

— In-game description


  • Speak with the amaro tamer.
  • Speak with Iola.


  • Iola seems perturbed by a crafting conundrum.
  • Iola, an artisan in the Crystalline Mean, is also the owner of a private forge known as the Iron Bellows. Once a thriving collective of talented craftsmen, the business has long since fallen on hard times. Hoping to reverse her fortunes, Iola has struck upon the idea of developing new wares which appeal to the local Zun, and has asked for your aid in this creative endeavor. First things first, however, she would consult with an amaro tamer in an effort to learn more about her potential customers.
  • Your discussion with the amaro tamer has revealed a concern about the nasty bites inflicted by their more irritable charges. Armed with this knowledge, Iola returns to the Crystalline Mean to consider what items might best benefit the Zun in their daily lives.
  • Following an encounter with two former Bellows employees, Iola explains how one of the main goals of her endeavor is convincing the artisans to return to work at her forge. She also dreams of reclaiming the ring her father was forced to give up when he failed to pay his debt of borrowed coin, and despite her attempts to focus on practical concerns, it is painfully obvious how much the keepsake means to her. Your crafting expertise may be the key to breaking into the Zun market, and bringing Iola the success her plans require.