Heavensssturn Trivia
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Heavensssturn Trivia
- Quest giver
- Hebi Bugyo
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.5, Y:13.9)
- Quest line
- Heavensturn (2025)
- Level
- 15
- Required items
- 1 White Tsuchinoko Ornament
- Experience
- Gil
- Patch
- 7.15
- Links
- GT
“The hebi bugyo wishes to test your knowledge of Heavensturn customs.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Unlocks
Correct answers:
- Fair fortune.
- White.
- Rice cakes.
Note that the answers do not impact quest rewards.
- Speak with the blue hebi yoriki.
- Speak with the yellow hebi yoriki.
- Speak with the red hebi yoriki.
- Speak with the hebi bugyo.
- The hebi bugyo wishes to test your knowledge of Heavensturn customs.
- ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
- After a thorough summary of Heavensturn history, the hebi bugyo invites you to take part in her delegation's dubiously named quiz. You are instructed to seek out the blue hebi yoriki at Limsa Lominsa's Aftcastle.
- ※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, check the Lodestone.
- Having tracked down your quarry and answered her question, you learn of a certain serpent─the tsuchinoko─that is said to be a particularly potent bringer of luck. Ready for the next round of your trivia trial, you seek out the yellow hebi yoriki near the Drowning Wench.
- The second question proves no match for your wealth of general knowledge. The Far Easterner goes on to tell you of the Great White Tsuchinoko, an especially enigmatic tsuchinoko that has attained almost mythological status. Armed with this tidbit, you make for the Bismarck, where the red hebi yoriki awaits.
- The final quizmaster, impressed with your erudition, hands over your prize: an expertly crafted white tsuchinoko ornament. Along with the keepsake, you are given the task of informing the hebi bugyo that the delegate's stock of prizes has been depleted. To this end, you set off for the Aftcastle.
- In a fortuitous turn of events, it transpires the “ornament” conferred upon you was in fact the genuine article, and you find yourself in charge of a squidgy serpent companion. With this newfound friend─and auspicious symbol of the new year─in tow, you are free to celebrate this tradition you now know a little more about.
Accepting the quest (cutscene)
Hebi Bugyo: My, my, you look ready for all manner of arduous journeys and feats of valor. An adventurer, perchance? Hebi Bugyo: Pray forgive my idle speculation. I am known as the hebi bugyo, and along with my fellow delegates have come to these shores that we might share our Heavensturn custom with the fine folk of Eorzea. Hebi Bugyo: Both our peoples mark the turning of one year to the next, but how we do so differs in a few key respects. In Eorzean tradition, the Twelve choose one of their number to guide the realm throughout the coming year. In the Far East, however, custom dictates we honor one of the twelve noble beasts. Hebi Bugyo: This year's totem is none other than the hebi─although the term “snake” might be more familiar to Eorzean ears. Where I hail from, this oft-reviled creature represents longevity and regeneration─owing to the miraculous manner in which the hebi emerges anew, time and time again, after shedding its skin. Hebi Bugyo: That many and more may benefit from the noble beast's blessings, my fellow delegates and I have devised what we hope will be an entertaining little event... Hebi Bugyo: I present to you the inaugural “Slithery Trivia Trial”! Hebi Bugyo: Participants will wend their way snakelike through the city streets, and answer the questions posed by the trivia taskmasters they encounter. Hebi Bugyo: I have bid my sisters─the three hebi yoriki─await their charges at certain locations throughout Limsa Lominsa. Hebi Bugyo: As for you, adventurer, I urge you to seek them out and put your knowledge of Far Eastern customs to the test. And rest assured that an auspicious prize is yours for the taking should you succeed. Hebi Bugyo: Consider it a means of stocking up on good fortune before your next foray out into the world. How about it? Have I piqued your interest? Hebi Bugyo: This little event of ours is first and foremost about promoting insight and understanding. To that end, should you find yourself stumped during the quiz, simply say so, and my sisters will provide a helpful hint. Hebi Bugyo: If it is a perfect score you seek, you may also wish to speak with the hebi doshin and acquire the knowledge you need. Hebi Bugyo: The first quizmaster you shall face is the eldest of my younger sisters, the blue hebi yoriki. You'll find her a short distance north of here. Pray shed your misgivings and venture forth!
Optional Dialogue
Hebi Bugyo: The blue hebi yoriki is waiting just north of here. What question lies in store for you? There's only one way to find out!
Speak with the blue hebi yoriki
Blue Hebi Yoriki: The bracing ocean air, the hustle and the bustle─what a marvelous place! I do hope my dear sisters and I get a chance to do some sightseeing! Blue Hebi Yoriki: Oh, I keep getting caught up in the charms of this fair city! I have a question for you, Slithery Trivia Trial contender! Ahem, err...let me see. Blue Hebi Yoriki: Ready!? As you are no doubt aware, the snake is considered a most auspicious creature in my native Hingashi, but what blessing can one hope to receive from the humble hebi?
What blessing do snakes bestow? > Fair fortune. > Good health. > Romantic fulfillment. > I could do with some help. > I'll get back to you later with my answer.
< Fair fortune. > Blue Hebi Yoriki: Wonderful, simply wonderful! Snakes are indeed said to be bringers of fortune!
< Good health. > Blue Hebi Yoriki: Well, I can certainly see why you'd associate snakes with physical well-being. After all, some people partake of heady concoctions bottled with vipers and such to keep them virile and strong! But alas, unlike their spirit-steeped brethren, the snakes we're speaking of are said to bestow “fair fortune”!
< Romantic fulfillment. > Blue Hebi Yoriki: I'm afraid that's not quite right. Don't get me wrong, I'd be more than grateful for a little luck in matters of the heart... But I digress. The correct answer was “fair fortune”!
< I could do with some help. > Blue Hebi Yoriki: Very well, I shall give you a hint! In the Far East, snakes are said to be emissaries of the god of luck. Pray think on that before offering your answer!
< I'll get back to you later with my answer. > Blue Hebi Yoriki: Understood! I shall be waiting right here. Feel free to present yourself again once inspiration strikes!
Blue Hebi Yoriki: By the way, there exists one scalekin in particular known to lavish extra helpings of luck on those who encounter it: the tsuchinoko! Where other serpents are sleek and slender, the tsuchinoko is broad and bulbous. Alas, few have ever laid eyes upon its decidedly un-snakelike form. Blue Hebi Yoriki: Anyhow, that brings my section of the quiz to an end! You'll find my younger sister, the yellow hebi yoriki, by the Drowning Wench. Pay her a visit for the next round of the Slithery Trivia Trial!
Optional Dialogue
Blue Hebi Yoriki: The next quizmaster is my sister, the yellow hebi yoriki! You should be able to find her by the tavern─the Drowning Wench. Pray speak with her!
Speak with the yellow hebi yoriki
Yellow Hebi Yoriki: By the kami, this city is absolutely packed with people. 'Tis enough to send you dizzy... Yellow Hebi Yoriki: Ah, give me a moment, contender. Yellow Hebi Yoriki: You're aware that the snake is a symbol of luck, yes? Well, some snakes are luckier than others, and they happen to have one thing in common: their color. Any guesses as to what that might be?
What blessing do snakes bestow? > Red. > White. > Glittering gold. > I haven't the foggiest. How about a hint? > I'll come back later.
< Red. > Yellow Hebi Yoriki: 'Tis true that in the Far East we associate red with auspicious occasions and the like. Not so for serpents, I'm afraid. The right answer was “white.”
< White. > Yellow Hebi Yoriki: Very good. “White” is the correct answer.
< Glittering gold. > Yellow Hebi Yoriki: A glittering gold snake? Sounds like the kind of creature that'd do wonders for your finances. But in all seriousness, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone spotting a snake like that... “White” was the answer I was looking for.
< I haven't the foggiest. How about a hint? > Yellow Hebi Yoriki: Fine, I'll take pity on you. Apparently, there are a pair of snakes this very same color on the Gridanian flag.
< I'll come back later. > Yellow Hebi Yoriki: If you must... You know where to find me.
Yellow Hebi Yoriki: White snakes are rare, mystical creatures─hence the association with good fortune... Yellow Hebi Yoriki: But when it comes to rarity and mystique, there's one snake that deserves special mention: the elusive Great White Tsuchinoko. In times past, people would pray to the lucky serpent in the hope of receiving its blessings. Yellow Hebi Yoriki: Anyway, you have just one question left. Head to the Bismarck to see my little sister, the red hebi yoriki.
Optional Dialogue
Yellow Hebi Yoriki: The red hebi yoriki─the youngest of we four sisters, if you must know─is by the Bismarck. Don't keep her waiting too long...
Speak with the red hebi yoriki
Red Hebi Yoriki: Ah, what heavenly smells! I must remember to visit the Bismarck and pick up a few tasty treats for my sisters. Red Hebi Yoriki: There you are, contender! I've been waiting for you! I hope you're ready for the last question! Red Hebi Yoriki: I assume you heard all about how we Far Easterners used to revere the Great White Tsuchinoko, yes? I'm guessing my sister also told you how there's been nary a sighting for over a century now. A crying shame, I tell you! Red Hebi Yoriki: Still, the people of Hingashi, being the resourceful people they are, found a suitable surrogate to pay respects to during Heavensturn... Any ideas as to what they might've turned to?
What did the people of Hingashi use as a substitute for the Great White Tsuchinoko? > Rice cakes. > Eggs. > A moogle. > A nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated. > On second thought, I'll come back another time.
< Rice cakes. > Red Hebi Yoriki: Rice cakes! Precisely! To be honest with you, I'm surprised an Eorzean would even have an inkling... Color me impressed!
< Eggs. > Red Hebi Yoriki: An admirable attempt, but no, eggs are hardly the right shape. The correct answer is “rice cakes”!
< A moogle. > Red Hebi Yoriki: Moogles are those furry white pig-like creatures you have here in Eorzea, yes? You're not far off with the color, but we're not too familiar with the fuzzy little devils in the Far East. No, the correct answer was “rice cakes”!
< A nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated. > Red Hebi Yoriki: If you insist! I'll say this: our Heavensturn decorations involve one thing stacked on top of another!
< On second thought, I'll come back another time. > Red Hebi Yoriki: Not to worry, I'll be waiting for you right here!
Red Hebi Yoriki: When I say “cake,” you're probably thinking of something nice and light, but the rice cakes we decorate our homes with during Heavensturn in Hingashi are rock hard! Red Hebi Yoriki: We take one pebbly hard rice cake and stack it on top of another. You have to use your imagination a little, but they're supposed to look like the Great White Tsuchinoko itself! Red Hebi Yoriki: Well, that brings us to the end of the Slithery Trivia Trial! Thanks for taking part.
Red Hebi Yoriki: We can't forget your prize now, can we? For your efforts: a gift born of the finest, painstaking Hingashi craftsmanship! Red Hebi Yoriki: And it'll be all yours in a matter of moments. H-Hold on, I, err... Red Hebi Yoriki: Blast! I could've sworn we had plenty left... Red Hebi Yoriki: Under normal circumstances you'd be walking away with an exquisite white tsuchinoko ornament, positively overflowing with good fortune! Red Hebi Yoriki: But surrounded by all these enticing scents, I completely forgot to restock! My big sister is going to be livid! Red Hebi Yoriki: Oho!? Seems there was one left after all! Phew... Red Hebi Yoriki: Sorry about all that! Anyhow, it's all yours! Red Hebi Yoriki: Oh, and, err...it's impertinent to even ask, I know, but... Could I trouble you to tell my sister─ah, the hebi bugyo, I mean─that I've run out of prizes? Red Hebi Yoriki: I'd happily fetch more myself, but I ought to stay here just in case another trivia challenger shows up. So, can I count on you? Red Hebi Yoriki: Much obliged! May the kami guide you!
Optional Dialogue
Red Hebi Yoriki: Go and tell my sister─that is to say, the hebi bugyo─that I need to restock!
Speak with the hebi bugyo (cutscene)
Hebi Bugyo: Hmm. Am I to understand that my sister allowed prize supplies to run out and asked you to report this fact to me in her stead? Hebi Bugyo: Clearly, my efforts at disciplining her have fallen short of the mark. I must redouble my efforts... Hebi Bugyo: Please accept my sincere apologies... I shall send someone along forthwith to replenish our stocks. Hebi Bugyo: Ah, what have we here. Did you perhaps drop your prize?
Great White Tsuchinoko: Mocheee, mocheee!
Hebi Bugyo: B-By the kami! Hebi Bugyo: Our prizes may be exquisitely crafted, but they are mere ornaments. They do not possess the faculty for speech or locomotion, I can assure you. Hebi Bugyo: Which leads me to think...could this be the fabled Great White Tsuchinoko of yore, unseen and unheard of for generations!? Hebi Bugyo: To think I'd live to see the day! What a wonderfully auspicious occasion this is! Hebi Bugyo: But I must say, it is passing strange that the Great White Tsuchinoko should appear in Eorzea, of all places. Perhaps it found its way on board our delegation's vessel before we set sail... Hebi Bugyo: Perhaps you would be willing to take the creature with you on your journey? Hebi Bugyo: Of course, for our delegation, the sacred serpent's coming is an event of great historical importance. Nevertheless, we cannot discount the notion that the Great White Tsuchinoko chose to appear before you in particular, that you might benefit from its blessings. Hebi Bugyo: Besides, it appears quite taken with you...
Great White Tsuchinoko: Mocheee!
Hebi Bugyo: Before I forget, I should point out that omikuji are available to draw for the rest of the Heavensturn season. It might prove to be a delightful distraction ere matters great and small call you to the road once again. Hebi Bugyo: Not that you need fear drawing a less than encouraging fortune. Nay, with the Great White Tsuchinoko at your side, you are sure to overcome any hardships that come slithering your way. Hebi Bugyo: You have my heartfelt thanks for joining in with this humble endeavor of ours. May the hallowed hebi guide you on the path of fortune till the heavens turn once again.
System: The Far Eastern omikujishi is offering his services for the remainder of the Heavensturn festivities this year. Speak with him to see what fortune has in store for you after your rendezvous with the Great White Tsuchinoko!
Optional Dialogue
Hebi Bugyo: Having seen the real thing, I must concede that the ancient depictions of the Great White Tsuchinoko are surprisingly accurate. Hebi Bugyo: Especially when you consider how seldom the creature was encountered. Nonetheless, the old scrolls and inscriptions don't quite convey just how...squidgy it is. Hebi Bugyo: That isn't to say we shouldn't be thankful for all those honest chroniclers who committed this serpent's tale to parchment over the years! Indeed, it is an honor to have helped further the legend of such a fortuitous creature!
(near Blue Hebi Yoriki) Rowena: Got some time before my next meetin'─figured I'd give this Slithery Trivia Trial a shot. Heard there's a lucky li'l somethin' waiting at the end of the quiz too. Rowena: Claimin' something bestows good fortune─well that's hardly somethin' you can prove, right? But folks have been lining up to get their hands on a prize! Rowena: Which got me thinkin'. Clearly there's a demand for lucky bits and bobs─if I get the word out that my goods magically help with money woes, or somethin' to that effect, people'll happily hand over an extra gil or two! I'll be rakin' it in!
(near Calamity Salvager) Khloe Aliapoh: Khloe used to think snakes were awful, squirmy, scaly beasts, but thanks to those fellows from the Far East, I think I've had a change of heart! Khloe Aliapoh: Apparently, there's this one serpent─the Great White Tsuchinoko─that's almost impossible to find. Though Khloe bets with all the adventuring you do, you'll come across it sooner or later! Khloe Aliapoh: You've already crossed paths with it!? That's incredible!