Leatherworker Tools

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Tools for Leatherworker

Primary Tools

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Weathered Head Knife Weathered head knife icon1.png 1 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +21 
Bronze Head Knife Bronze head knife icon1.png 8 8 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +30 HQ icon.png34Control +17 HQ icon.png19
Amateur's Head Knife Amateurs head knife icon1.png 11 11 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +34 HQ icon.png38Control +19 HQ icon.png22
Brass Head Knife Brass head knife icon1.png 14 14 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +38 HQ icon.png43Control +21 HQ icon.png24
Initiate's Head Knife Initiates head knife icon1.png 19 19 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +44 HQ icon.png50Control +25 HQ icon.png28
Iron Round Knife Iron round knife icon1.png 23 23 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +49 HQ icon.png55Control +28 HQ icon.png32
Iron Head Knife Iron head knife icon1.png 28 28 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +55 HQ icon.png62Control +32 HQ icon.png36
Silver Head Knife Silver head knife icon1.png 31 31 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +59 HQ icon.png67Control +34 HQ icon.png38
Steel Round Knife Steel round knife icon1.png 34 34 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +63 HQ icon.png71Control +36 HQ icon.png41
Mythril Head Knife Mythril head knife icon1.png 38 38 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +68 HQ icon.png77Control +39 HQ icon.png44
Mythril Round Knife Mythril round knife icon1.png 43 43 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +74 HQ icon.png84Control +42 HQ icon.png48
Electrum Head Knife Electrum head knife icon1.png 48 48 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +80 HQ icon.png91Control +46 HQ icon.png52
Knife of the Luminary Knife of the luminary icon1.png 50 55 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +107 Control +61 
Pinga Pinga icon1.png 50 55 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +107 Control +61 
Artisan's Round Knife Artisans round knife icon1.png 50 70 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +139 Control +78 
Pinga Supra Pinga supra icon1.png 50 75 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +149 Control +83 
Pinga Lucis Pinga lucis icon1.png 50 90 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +180 Control +97 
Mythrite Round Knife Mythrite round knife icon1.png 52 85 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +150 HQ icon.png170Control +81 HQ icon.png92
Titanium Creasing Knife Titanium creasing knife icon1.png 55 100 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +166 HQ icon.png188Control +89 HQ icon.png101
Hardsilver Round Knife Hardsilver round knife icon1.png 57 120 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +180 HQ icon.png204Control +97 HQ icon.png109
Aurum Regis Creasing Knife Aurum regis creasing knife icon1.png 60 150 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +204 HQ icon.png232Control +110 HQ icon.png124
Hidemaster's Knife Hidemasters knife icon1.png 60 170 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +232 HQ icon.png263Control +124 HQ icon.png141
Hidekeep's Knife Hidekeeps knife icon1.png 60 180 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +278 Control +149 
High Mythrite Round Knife High mythrite round knife icon1.png 60 195 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +270 HQ icon.png306Control +145 HQ icon.png164
Augmented Hidekeep's Knife Augmented hidekeeps knife icon1.png 60 200 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +315 Control +169 
Blessed Hidekeep's Knife Blessed hidekeeps knife icon1.png 60 200 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +315 Control +169 
High Steel Head Knife High steel head knife icon1.png 62 190 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +262 HQ icon.png297Control +140 HQ icon.png159
Doman Iron Head Knife Doman iron head knife icon1.png 65 220 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +295 HQ icon.png334Control +158 HQ icon.png179
Doman Steel Round Knife Doman steel round knife icon1.png 67 245 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +316 HQ icon.png358Control +169 HQ icon.png192
Molybdenum Creasing Knife Molybdenum creasing knife icon1.png 70 290 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +358 HQ icon.png405Control +192 HQ icon.png217
Hideking's Knife Hidekings knife icon1.png 70 300 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +433 Control +232 
Ala Mhigan Round Knife Ala mhigan round knife icon1.png 70 325 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +442 HQ icon.png500Control +237 HQ icon.png268
Augmented Hideking's Knife Augmented hidekings knife icon1.png 70 330 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +514 Control +276 
Nightsteel Round Knife Nightsteel round knife icon1.png 70 345 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +489 HQ icon.png555Control +263 HQ icon.png298
Blessed Hideking's Knife Blessed hidekings knife icon1.png 70 350 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +568 Control +305 
Handking's Round Knife Handkings round knife icon1.png 70 350 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +568 Control +305 
Deepgold Head Knife Deepgold head knife icon1.png 71 330 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +453 HQ icon.png514Control +243 HQ icon.png276
Bluespirit Round Knife Bluespirit round knife icon1.png 74 370 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +521 HQ icon.png590Control +280 HQ icon.png318
Titanbronze Creasing Knife Titanbronze creasing knife icon1.png 77 400 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +550 HQ icon.png624Control +297 HQ icon.png337
Dragonsung Round Knife Replica Dragonsung round knife replica icon1.png 80 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Skybuilders' Round Knife Replica Skybuilders round knife replica icon1.png 80 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Skysung Round Knife Replica Skysung round knife replica icon1.png 80 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Dwarven Mythril Round Knife Dwarven mythril round knife icon1.png 80 430 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +580 HQ icon.png657Control +314 HQ icon.png356
Hidefiend's Knife Hidefiends knife icon1.png 80 440 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +687 Control +373 
Skysteel Round Knife Skysteel round knife icon1.png 80 440 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +687 Control +373 

Skysteel prototype.
Skysteel Round Knife +1 Skysteel round knife +1 icon1.png 80 455 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +726 Control +395 

Skysteel prototype.
Facet Round Knife Facet round knife icon1.png 80 460 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +648 HQ icon.png735Control +353 HQ icon.png400
Professional's Round Knife Professionals round knife icon1.png 80 470 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +758 Control +414 
Dragonsung Round Knife Dragonsung round knife icon1.png 80 475 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +770 Control +421 

Skysteel tool.
Augmented Dragonsung Round Knife Dragonsung round knife icon1.png 80 485 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +794 Control +434 

Skysteel tool.
Aesthete's Round Knife Aesthetes round knife icon1.png 80 490 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +711 HQ icon.png806Control +389 HQ icon.png441
Handsaint's Knife Handsaints knife icon1.png 80 500 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +830 Control +455 
Resplendent Hidefiend's Knife Resplendent hidefiends knife icon1.png 80 500 LTW 3 Craftsmanship +830 Control +455 
Skysung Round Knife Skysung round knife icon1.png 80 500 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +830 Control +455 CP +6 

Improved Skysteel tool.
Skybuilders' Round Knife Skybuilders round knife icon1.png 80 510 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +854 Control +468 CP +6 

Perfected Skysteel tool.
High Durium Creasing Knife High durium creasing knife icon1.png 81 480 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +690 HQ icon.png782Control +377 HQ icon.png427
Bismuth Round Knife Bismuth round knife icon1.png 84 520 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +761 HQ icon.png863Control +420 HQ icon.png476
Manganese Round Knife Manganese round knife icon1.png 87 540 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +811 HQ icon.png919Control +449 HQ icon.png508
Brilliant Round Knife Replica Brilliant round knife replica icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Chora-Zoi's Crystalline Round Knife Replica Chora-zois crystalline round knife replica icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Lodestar Round Knife Replica Vrandtic visionary's round knife icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Replica Crystalline Round Knife Replica crystalline round knife icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Vrandtic Visionary's Round Knife Replica Vrandtic visionary's round knife icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Chondrite Round Knife Chondrite round knife icon1.png 90 560 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +866 HQ icon.png982Control +480 HQ icon.png544
Hidesoph's Knife Hidesophs knife icon1.png 90 570 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,023 Control +556 
Splendorous Knife Splendorous knife icon1.png 90 570 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,023 Control +556 

Base splendorous tool.
Augmented Splendorous Knife Augmented splendorous knife icon1.png 90 590 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,107 Control +593 

Augmented splendorous tool.
Pactmaker's Creasing Knife Pactmakers creasing knife icon1.png 90 590 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +977 HQ icon.png1,107Control +524 HQ icon.png593
Perfectionist's Round Knife Perfectionists round knife icon1.png 90 590 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,107 Control +593 
Afflatus Round Knife Afflatus round knife icon1.png 90 620 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,208 Control +638 
Crystalline Round Knife Crystalline round knife icon1.png 90 620 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,208 Control +638 CP +7 

Adaptive splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Indagator's Knife Indagators knife icon1.png 90 620 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,066 HQ icon.png1,208Control +563 HQ icon.png638
Chora-Zoi's Crystalline Round Knife Chora-zoi's crystalline round knife icon1.png 90 625 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,220 Control +646 CP +7 

Customized splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Brilliant Round Knife Brilliant round knife icon1.png 90 630 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,232 Control +655 CP +7 

Brilliant splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Vrandtic Visionary's Round Knife Vrandtic visionary's round knife icon1.png 90 635 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,244 Control +663 CP +7 

Inspirational splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Lodestar Round Knife Vrandtic visionary's round knife icon1.png 90 640 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,255 Control +672 CP +7 

Perfected splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Mountain Chromite Creasing Knife Mountain chromite creasing knife icon1.png 91 610 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,040 HQ icon.png1,178Control +551 HQ icon.png624
Cobalt Tungsten Creasing Knife Cobalt tungsten creasing knife icon1.png 94 650 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,145 HQ icon.png1,297Control +612 HQ icon.png694
Titanium Gold Creasing Knife Titanium gold creasing knife icon1.png 97 670 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,221 HQ icon.png1,383Control +651 HQ icon.png738
Ra'Kaznar Round Knife Rakaznar round knife icon1.png 100 690 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,299 HQ icon.png1,473Control +690 HQ icon.png782
Hiderise Knife Hiderise knife icon1.png 100 700 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,523 Control +799 
Everseeker's Creasing Knife Everseekers creasing knife icon1.png 100 720 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,433 HQ icon.png1,624Control +743 HQ icon.png842
Innovator's Knife Innovators knife icon1.png 100 720 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,624 Control +842 

Secondary Tools

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Amateur's Awl Amateurs awl icon1.png 5 5 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +26 HQ icon.png30Control +15 HQ icon.png17
Bronze Awl Bronze awl icon1.png 11 11 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +34 HQ icon.png38Control +19 HQ icon.png22
Recruit's Awl Recruits awl icon1.png 15 16 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +40 Control +23 CP +1 
Iron Awl Iron awl icon1.png 19 19 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +44 HQ icon.png50Control +25 HQ icon.png28
Initiate's Awl Initiates awl icon1.png 23 23 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +49 HQ icon.png55Control +28 HQ icon.png32
Novice's Awl Novices awl icon1.png 27 28 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +55 Control +32 CP +2 
Steel Awl Steel awl icon1.png 31 31 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +59 HQ icon.png67Control +34 HQ icon.png38
Wrapped Steel Awl Wrapped steel awl icon1.png 35 35 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +64 HQ icon.png73Control +37 HQ icon.png41
Apprentice's Awl Apprentices awl icon1.png 39 40 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +70 Control +40 CP +2 
Mythril Awl Mythril awl icon1.png 43 43 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +74 HQ icon.png84Control +42 HQ icon.png48
Cobalt Awl Cobalt awl icon1.png 47 47 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +79 HQ icon.png90Control +45 HQ icon.png51
Militia Awl Militia awl icon1.png 50 55 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +95 HQ icon.png107Control +54 HQ icon.png61
Artisan's Awl Artisans awl icon1.png 50 70 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +123 HQ icon.png139Control +69 HQ icon.png78
Mythrite Awl Mythrite awl icon1.png 53 90 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +159 HQ icon.png180Control +85 HQ icon.png97
Titanium Awl Titanium awl icon1.png 56 110 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +170 HQ icon.png192Control +92 HQ icon.png104
Adamantite Awl Adamantite awl icon1.png 59 140 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +185 HQ icon.png210Control +101 HQ icon.png114
Sharpened Adamantite Awl Sharpened adamantite awl icon1.png 60 170 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +232 HQ icon.png263Control +124 HQ icon.png141
Hidekeep's Awl Hidekeeps awl icon1.png 60 180 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +278 Control +149 
High Mythrite Awl High mythrite awl icon1.png 60 195 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +270 HQ icon.png306Control +145 HQ icon.png164
Augmented Hidekeep's Awl Augmented hidekeeps awl icon1.png 60 200 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +315 Control +169 
High Steel Awl High steel awl icon1.png 63 200 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +278 HQ icon.png315Control +149 HQ icon.png169
Doman Iron Awl Doman iron awl icon1.png 66 230 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +303 HQ icon.png343Control +162 HQ icon.png184
Doman Steel Awl Doman steel awl icon1.png 68 260 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +329 HQ icon.png373Control +177 HQ icon.png200
Molybdenum Awl Molybdenum awl icon1.png 70 290 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +358 HQ icon.png405Control +192 HQ icon.png217
Nightsteel Awl Nightsteel awl icon1.png 70 325 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +442 HQ icon.png500Control +237 HQ icon.png268
Hideking's Awl Hidekings awl icon1.png 70 330 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +514 Control +276 
Deepgold Awl Deepgold awl icon1.png 71 330 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +453 HQ icon.png514Control +243 HQ icon.png276
Bluespirit Awl Bluespirit awl icon1.png 74 370 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +521 HQ icon.png590Control +280 HQ icon.png318
Titanbronze Awl Titanbronze awl icon1.png 77 400 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +550 HQ icon.png624Control +297 HQ icon.png337
Dwarven Mythril Awl Dwarven mythril awl icon1.png 80 430 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +580 HQ icon.png657Control +314 HQ icon.png356
Facet Awl Facet awl icon1.png 80 460 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +648 HQ icon.png735Control +353 HQ icon.png400
Hidefiend's Awl Hidefiends awl icon1.png 80 470 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +758 Control +414 
Aesthete's Awl Aesthetes awl icon1.png 80 490 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +711 HQ icon.png806Control +389 HQ icon.png441
Handsaint's Awl Handsaints awl icon1.png 80 500 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +830 Control +455 
High Durium Awl High durium awl icon1.png 81 480 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +690 HQ icon.png782Control +377 HQ icon.png427
Bismuth Awl Bismuth awl icon1.png 84 520 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +761 HQ icon.png863Control +420 HQ icon.png476
Manganese Awl Manganese awl icon1.png 87 540 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +811 HQ icon.png919Control +449 HQ icon.png508
Chondrite Awl Chondrite awl icon1.png 90 560 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +866 HQ icon.png982Control +480 HQ icon.png544
Pactmaker's Awl Pactmakers awl icon1.png 90 590 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +977 HQ icon.png1,107Control +524 HQ icon.png593
Perfectionist's Awl Perfectionists awl icon1.png 90 590 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,107 Control +593 
Afflatus Awl Afflatus awl icon1.png 90 620 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,208 Control +638 
Indagator's Awl Indagators awl icon1.png 90 620 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,066 HQ icon.png1,208Control +563 HQ icon.png638
Mountain Chromite Awl Mountain chromite awl icon1.png 91 610 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,040 HQ icon.png1,178Control +551 HQ icon.png624
Cobalt Tungsten Awl Cobalt tungsten awl icon1.png 94 650 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,145 HQ icon.png1,297Control +612 HQ icon.png694
Titanium Gold Awl Titanium gold awl icon1.png 97 670 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,221 HQ icon.png1,383Control +651 HQ icon.png738
Ra'Kaznar Awl Rakaznar awl icon1.png 100 690 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,299 HQ icon.png1,473Control +690 HQ icon.png782
Everseeker's Awl Everseekers awl icon1.png 100 720 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,433 HQ icon.png1,624Control +743 HQ icon.png842
Innovator's Awl Innovators awl icon1.png 100 720 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,624 Control +842