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1st Legion Magitek Engineer

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1st Legion Magitek Engineer

1st Legion Magitek Engineer is a Hyur found in Garlemald.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Hero Never Bombs Sidequest 80 Iliette


Zone Coordinates Level range
Garlemald (X:29.2, Y:7.2)
Garlemald (X:15.1, Y:28.6)


Sidequest The Hero Never Bombs

1st Legion Magitek Engineer: You came. I half expected you might not, given the dangers. Then again, you are Eorzea's champion, and what sort of hero balks in the face of a challenge, eh? Forgive my excitement. I've been wanting to make your acquaintance for some time now.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Yes, well, anyway...shall we be off, then? Find me at Regio Urbanissima, and I shall escort you from there. Far easier that way, trust me.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Well, this is a bother. The magitek I've my eye on doesn't seem to be quite as accessible as I hoped. There's just so much accursed wreckage in the way, we won't be able to drag the thing out... Hmmm, a pickle indeed. Hate to ask, but have you any brilliant ideas up that sleeve of yours?
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: You've some explosives on you? That will do the trick, certainly.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Alas, I'm not at all skilled in Eorzean technologies, which means there's a distinct possibility I'll blow my hands clean off if I try to tinker with such a device. Perhaps I could leave the blasting of objects to you?
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: I'll take care of the magitek once you've dealt with the debris. After all, I'm sure you're a deal more handy with those explosives than I ever could be.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Ah, you've made us a path. Very good, very good. Now my machina can finally get its day in the sun.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: The poor boy was originally meant to be used against the IIIrd Legion to rain death and destruction upon them. But I lied to my superior officer, told them this machina was too far beyond repair to repurpose for any practical military use.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Now it gets a second, far more peaceful chance at life...and I am spared the grief of knowing I had a hand in spilling my countrymen's blood. When I was told to what ends it would be used, I couldn't believe my ears. This was not the Empire I knew─the Empire I believed in.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: I had been taught that our country's cornerstone was peace, one founded upon the ways of science and machine. How can we make such a claim when internecine strife lays waste to our lands, kills our people?
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: You may be Eorzean, but I see that your heart is true. So I know that you will answer me honestly when I ask... Do you find the Empire cruel and barbarous?
< Those you've invaded no doubt do. >
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Yes... Yes, of course.
< All that separates our two sides is creed. >
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: You're kind to say so.
< ... >
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: No, it was a strange question. Forgive me. You needn't answer.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: It's the victors who write history, and I fear that Garlemald will be penned with no kind hand. We've seen to that ourselves. Even so, I still wholeheartedly believe in our founding principle: unification under the banner of peace.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Which is why I plan to put this war machine to better use, like rebuilding our city, for one. His days on the battlefield will be behind him once my tools have done their work.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Thank you for allowing me this chance to talk so frankly. And for all of the pyrotechnics and whatnot, of course.
1st Legion Magitek Engineer: Well then, shall we be heading back? I'm sure your comrade Iliette is in want of a report about now.