Yellowjacket Veteran

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Yellowjacket Veteran

An adventurer, are you? Well, you'll have to do. You see that man over there? The big one. The captain of a shipping vessel out of Radz-at-Han found him stowed away below decks. When the captain moored here at the quay, we brought the brute ashore for questioning... ...when he up and started assailing my men! And for a man who's been holed up in a dark corner for the past fortnight, he has more energy than you'd believe. We could certainly use a hand in calming him down.

— In-game description

Yellowjacket Veteran is a Roegadyn in Lower La Noscea.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

FATEs Involved In

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