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“A razor-fanged saltwater fish known to migrate throughout the warm waters of the Sea of Ash, following the schools of shrimp on which it feeds.
[Suitable for printing on large canvases.]
— In-game description
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 43
- Fish Type: Deep Sea
- Aquarium Type: None
- Sizes: Smallest - 24.7im, Largest - 60.9im
A razor-fanged saltwater fish known to migrate throughout the warm waters of the Sea of Ash, following the schools of shrimp on which it feeds. While not considered a delicacy, the wahoo is treasured amongst alchemists who employ the bones and scales in several different medicines.
Fishing Log: Cape Westwind
- Location: Western Thanalan (x9,y6)
- Hole Level: 45
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Merlthor Goby
- Condition: Mooched from Merlthor Goby
- Weather:
Fishing Log: Isles of Umbra Northshore
- Location: Western La Noscea (x15,y29)
- Hole Level: 40
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Merlthor Goby
- Condition: Mooched from Merlthor Goby
- Weather:
Fishing Log: North Isle of Endless Summer
- Location: Eastern La Noscea (x36,y26)
- Hole Level: 50
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Merlthor Goby
- Condition: Mooched from Merlthor Goby
- Weather:
Fishing Log: Reaver Hide
- Location: Western La Noscea (x14,y12)
- Hole Level: 50
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Merlthor Goby
- Condition: Mooched from Merlthor Goby
- Weather:
Fishing Log: Rhotano Sea (Privateer Sterncastle)
- Location: Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24)
- Hole Level: 50
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Merlthor Goby
- Condition: Mooched from Merlthor Goby
- Weather:
Fishing Log: Skull Valley
- Location: Western La Noscea (x25,y27)
- Hole Level: 15
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Merlthor Goby
- Condition: Mooched from Merlthor Goby
- Weather:
Fishing Log: The Ship Graveyard
- Location: Western La Noscea (x15,y35)
- Hole Level: 45
- Baits: Mooch
- Mooched From: Merlthor Goby
- Condition: Mooched from Merlthor Goby
- Weather:
Used For
- See also: Large Angler's Canvas
Class: Culinarian
Potential Results:
- Blue Pigment x1
- Allagan Bronze Piece x1
- Fine Sand x1
- Water Shard x1-3