Toxic Avenger

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Toxic Avenger

Quest giver
Western La Noscea (X:23.2, Y:22.2)
Required items
3 Pelican poison icon1.png  Pelican Poison
Experience 3,500
Gil 197
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It is a cool and collected Sergeant Wiltswys who seeks an obliger today, rather than the heartsore fire-eater of the other day.

— In-game description



  • It is a cool and collected Sergeant Wiltswys who seeks an obliger today, rather than the heartsore fire-eater of the other day.
  • Wiltswys's meticulous scrutiny has discovered an unacceptable shortfall in the poison cabinet. Whilst she checks the other deadly yet life-saving items in the camp's inventory, you have a task to perform: stalk the majestic Rothlyt pelicans and extract three vials' worth of poison.
  • Exactly where the poison is secreted is a matter too discomfiting to discuss. It must suffice to say that the pelicans did not survive your exertions. Return to Wiltswys and give her the pelican poison.
  • It seems that the way to Sergeant Wiltswys's heart is through a job well done. Listening to her tale of the Sahagin and the lost settlement, you see that she has no home but this vale and no family but the Maelstrom─and she will fight to the death to defend both...


Accepting the Quest

Wiltswys: Weapons and order. Saltpeter, in order. Basic provisions...all in order. Poisons─oh? This vial's near gone. 
Wiltswys: Uh, adventurer─[First name], was it? Mayhap we can let bygones be bygones. You are skilled in wrangling beasts, I hear, and I have a need of pelican poison. 
Wiltswys: The poison can be readily gathered from pelicans in the area, but I must continue my duties here. Are you so minded to undertake the task?

Delivering Poison to Wiltswys

Wiltswys: I welcome your return, adventurer. Have you what I asked for?   
Wiltswys: Ah, I see you were not stinting in filling the vials! The last adventurer returned with each barely half-full and had the cheek to demand full payment. I have had a low opinion of adventurers since, but...  
Wiltswys: You know of our past with the kobolds, but they are not the foe we fight today. Nay, all our guns are trained on the fishbacks. 
Wiltswys: Such a wee thing, this vial─but this too is a gun. So susceptible the Sahagin are to pelican poison that even the rawest recruit may, with a poison-tipped arrow, find herself a fisher of beastmen. 
Wiltswys: There was a settlement here once, near Halfstone. Then the primal Leviathan rose, and the Sahagin invaded. Work of generations was undone in a season, and whole families perished.
Wiltswys: I never knew the Halfstone settlement, but I believe it to be a home worth fighting for. And so we fight, with steel, fire, and even poison to reclaim that which is ours.