The Warden's Wand
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The Warden's Wand
“A king among trader eels, and lord of the waters of the Yugr'am River.
[Suitable for printing on large canvases.]
— In-game description
The Warden's Wand is a Seafood.
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 50 ★★★
- Fish Type: Rivers
- Aquarium Type: None
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - 61.2im
There is an age-old Lalafellin faerie tale which tells the story of a trader eel who swam so far upstream that he eventually arrived at the very gates of the goddess Azeyma's palace. So impressed was the Warden with the wavekin's perseverance, that She gifted him with a cloak woven from rays of the sun.
Purchased From
Dropped By
Fishing Log: Yugr'am River
- Location: Eastern Thanalan (x25,y22)
- Hole Level: 30
- Baits: Honey Worm
- Mooched From:
- Condition: 5pm-7:59pm Eorzean Time, 340+ Gathering required
- Weather: Clear
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
Class: Culinarian
Potential Results:
- Water Crystal x1
- Fine Sand x1
- Yellow Pigment x1
- Native Gold x1
- Allagan Gold Piece x