The Prodigal Son

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Escort FATE icon.png

The Prodigal Son

Starting NPC
FATE trigger (map icon).png
Rugged Researcher
Mor Dhona (X:22.3, Y:7.0)
15 min
5,940 Experience
90 Gil
GC Seals
258 Company seal

One of the Sons of Saint Coinach requires an escort deep into dangerous territory so that he may continue his research on the acoustic properties of the aetherial manifestations of the area.

— In-game description

The Prodigal Son is a level 45 FATE spawned in Mor Dhona. It is started in Revenant's Toll and ends in Saint Coinach's Find.



(If NPC that starts FATE is ignored)
Rugged Researcher: I say, are there none who would escort me?

Starting the FATE

Rugged Researcher: Oh, thank the saints! You would not believe how long I have been standing here waiting for a [man/woman] of your ilk to happen by. Might I ask of you a favor?
Rugged Researcher: I am one of a cadre of researchers, scholars, and naturalists who go by collective name "the Sons of Saint Coinach." I am returning from a foray into the lowlands of Coerthas to collect supplies, but find the road back to our site of study overrun with terrible creatures who were not there on my way north.
Rugged Researcher: If you would be so kind as to lend me your talents in clearing the path and keeping my head securely attached to my shoulders, I would see to it that you are suitably rewarded.
< No >
Rugged Researcher: I suppose it was too much to ask... Well, I shan't think any less of you for your decision. We all have our priorities.
< Yes >
Rugged Researcher: Very good, then. Shall we?

During the FATE

Rugged Researcher: Stay alert, my friend. The gigas in these parts have no love for our kind.
Rugged Researcher: Would you look at this! A remarkable specimen!
Rugged Researcher: Simply marvelous! I must have a closer look!
Rugged Researcher: The Sons back at the camp will not believe this!

Completing the Fate

Rugged Researcher: Ah, Here we are!
Rugged Researcher: It was a miracle that we met with nary a single setback.
Rugged Researcher: I suppose I have you to thank for that.
Rugged Researcher: Now, to work!