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The Great Ship Vylbrand

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The Great Ship Vylbrand

The great ship vylbrand1.png
Quest giver
Command Room (X:3.5, Y:3.4)
Quest line
Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests II
Experience 22,440
Gil 2,556
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestOn Rough Seas
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestFutures Rewritten

Main Scenario Progress: 688 / 968 (71.1%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 147 / 157 (93.6%)


For the first time in a long time, Merlwyb's course is clear.

— In-game description


  • Speak with Alisaie at Camp Overlook.
  • Speak with Merlwyb.
    ※ A Solo Duty will commence upon speaking with Merlwyb.
  • Speak with Merlwyb again.


  • For the first time in a long time, Merlwyb's course is clear.
  • Having secured the cooperation of the Bloody Executioners, Merlwyb promptly turns her attention to the kobolds. She would have you and your fellow Scions use the tempering cure on the kobold patriarch, and proposes using herself and the beastmen's stolen crystals as bait to draw him out. Even should the kobolds have no interest in peace, Eynzahr concedes, they would not forgo an opportunity to take the Admiral's life. Merlwyb adds that there is every chance the kobolds will attempt to summon Titan, and that you will be required to protect Alisaie until such time as she has administered the cure. Her plan thus laid out, you depart to see to your preparations, before making your way to Camp Overlook.
  • You have scarcely taken your place at the camp when Ga Bu comes scampering into your midst. The young kobold apparently has something important he wishes to say to his leader, and wants to join you on your mission. Alisaie will not hear of it, however, doubtless recalling what came to pass when last the child wandered into the fray.
  • At your word, the party enters the Navel via the beastman aetheryte, and no sooner does Merlwyb announce herself to Za Da than he attempts to summon Titan. The Admiral is ready, however, and interrupts him with a well-placed shot, affording Eynzahr the chance to restrain the kobold leader with a relic of his piratical past. Wasting no time, Alisaie summons Angelo and sets to work, leaving you to fight off wave after wave of angry kobolds and their minions. After what feels like an eternity, the treatment takes effect, and Za Da awakens from his reverie even as his guards flee in terror.
  • Though free of Titan's influence, and riven with remorse over the crimes he committed against his own, Za Da cannot forget the many betrayals his people have suffered, and refuses to trust mankind. But thanks to the heartfelt pleas of Merlwyb─and young Ga Bu, who could not stay away─the patriarch is eventually convinced to give peace a chance. Thus is it that, after centuries of bloodshed, Limsa Lominsa takes its first tentative step on the road to lasting peace with the kobolds.
  • Back at Camp Overlook, Merlwyb expresses her thanks to you and your fellow Scions for the invaluable part you played in bringing Limsa Lominsa and her nearest neighbors together. Though the fledgling peace only extends to the Second Order for the present, the Admiral is determined to bring every kobold into the fold, however long it takes.