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The Aftermath

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

The Aftermath

Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:24.8, Y:10.7)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Bottle of Antidote.png  Bottle of Antidote
Experience 223,200
Gil 1,048
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestLegend of the Not-so-hidden Temple
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Good Faith

Main Scenario Progress: 601 / 960 (62.6%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 60 / 157 (38.2%)


Almet is strangely quiet.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Almet is strangely quiet.


Thancred: ... 

Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Thancred: Almet. Please tell me you know if that hole might lead out into the woods somewhere. 
Almet: Were there another means of exiting the temple, there is no question that we would know of it. 
Almet: But I fear that is of little consequence, for we have tried to mark the depth of the pit. And failed. 
Almet: To fall from such a height... 
Uimet: Sister! I come bearing news! 
Uimet: The Eulmoran soldiers and the Children have fled Yx'Maja. 
Uimet: They abandoned Slitherbough as well, though they yet remain in the swamps near Lakeland. 
Uimet: Unfortunately, a number of the Blessed were poisoned while fending off the soldiers.  
Uimet: One we believe to be of their order was found lost in Yx'Maja, feverish and badly wounded. 
Uimet: He was taken to Fanow for treatment, but I fear there is little we can do for him. 
Uimet: He and the other Blessed will not last long without an antidote. 
Thancred: Then we must act quickly. If you've a spare vial, Minfilia and I can deliver it to the Blessed at Slitherbough. 
Thancred: You and Urianger should return to Fanow and tend to the wounded villager there.
Minfilia: What about Y'shtola...? 
Thancred: I know it seems callous of us to leave, but she leapt into that hole for a reason. 
Thancred: We have to save the Blessed. Whatever it takes. 
Minfilia: All right. 
Almet: My sisters and I will remain here. We must be certain no soldiers are still lurking about. 
Urianger: Come, [Forename]. Let not Y'shtola's sacrifice be in vain. 
Urianger: To Fanow.
Runar: <groan> 

Speaking with Urianger

Urianger: Heavens forfend. Runar...
Urianger: 'Twas he who forestalled the Eulmorans' procession. And in so doing, afforded thee time to traverse the temple. 
Urianger: Quickly, the antidote. 
Urianger: Quickly, [Forename]. I fear he hath precious little time.

Using the antidote to treat Runar's poison

<Use bottle of antidote>
Runar: <groan> 

Offering Runar a second dose of the antidote

System: Runar still appears visibly pained. Perhaps he requires another dose of medicine.

Offering Runar a third dose of the anidote

System: The medicine seems to take effect as the color slowly creeps back to his cheeks. 
Runar: Master...Matoya...

Speaking with Urianger

Urianger: It would appear the worst hath passed, though his wounds yet want for mending. 
Urianger: I shall minister to him forthwith.