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Talk of the Town

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Talk of the Town

Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:28.4, Y:18.9)
Required items
1 20px  Bundle of Arrows
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 606
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestTop of the Tree

Taina is looking at you as if you had two heads.

— In-game description


  • Deliver the bundle of arrows to the villagers.
  • Speak with Taina.


  • Taina is looking at you as if you had two heads.


Accepting the Quest

Taina: Oh, pardon my rudeness. I suppose I was staring too intently. I never thought I would live to see one of the allies of Ronka.
Taina: Doubtless many others in the wood are as curious as I. I had the mind to deliver these arrows to my sisters, but perhaps you should do it in my stead. They would be overjoyed to meet someone so distinguished. 
Taina: Please, deliver the arrows to my companions. They would be glad to meet an ally of Ronka.

Delivering the bundle of arrows to the villagers

Bewildered Townsviis: Y-You! An ally of Ronka, here!? To what do I owe the honor of this meeting?
<Hand Over Bundle of Arrows>
Bewildered Townsviis: Oh? Arrows? Not what I expected, have my thanks.
Bewildered Townsviis: How odd. Until quite recently we only used these arrows to keep others away. Yet here I am, receiving them as a kindness from an outsider.
Reserved Townsviis: Greetings. What business do you have with me?
<Hand Over Bundle of Arrows>
Taina: What fortunate timing. I am soon to depart on my hunt.
Taina: The wood and the Viis must live together in harmony. To us, the hunt is not leisure─every part of our prey is treated with the utmost respect─from the meat to the bones to the fur.
Earnest Townsviis: One of Ronka's allies, here? Is something amiss?
<Hand Over Bundle of Arrows>
Earnest Townsviis: Taina sent you on an errand, did she? She is bold if nothing else...
Earnest Townsviis: Nevertheless, your efforts are much appreciated. I always have need of arrows during my patrols. If ever you see me again, do not hesitate to call out. My jaculus does not bite.
Lively Townsviis: By the gods, an ally of Ronka! Are you certain you meant to speak with me? If so, then...why? 
<Hand Over Bundle of Arrows>
Lively Townsviis: Arrows, from one such as you? You have a brave soul and a kind heart. Receiving this gift...I am overwhelmed! Pray look the other way!

Speaking with Taina

Taina: Returned at last. One of my companions has already commented on your generous deed. She scolded me, as is her nature. 
Taina: However, under her wrath was joy, plain as day. Allow me to thank you again for giving my companions an experience they will not soon forget.