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Reviving the Legacy

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Reviving the Legacy

Reviving the Legacy Image.png
Quest giver
G'raha Tia
Azys Lla (X:35.3, Y:15.5)
Quest line
Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests II
Required items
1 Ironworks Promissory Note.png  Ironworks Promissory Note
Experience 22,440
Gil 2,100
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Wisdom of Allag
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestForget Us Not

Main Scenario Progress: 682 / 968 (70.5%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 141 / 157 (89.8%)


G'raha Tia seems eager to bear the node away.

— In-game description



  • G'raha Tia seems eager to bear the node away.
  • Though Cid may be the man best qualified to gain access to the report stored in the Allagan node, G'raha Tia freely admits that his reasons for wanting to visit the engineer are not purely practical. Eager to be reunited with your mutual friend, he sets off for the Rising Stones at a brisk pace, leaving you and Alisaie to follow in his wake.
  • You get back to the Rising Stones to find Krile also returned, and she briefs you on all that transpired at the recent Alliance council. With the Empire still at war with itself, the Alliance has turned its attention to the primal problem once more. Working with friendly factions among the beast tribes, they hope to explore new avenues for peace, a development which only adds to your comrades' determination to find a cure for tempering. On that note, the impromptu meeting concludes, and Tataru suggests you wait for Cid in Dawn's Respite.
  • G'raha Tia positively beams with delight as Cid enters the chamber, and the pair enjoy a brief but joyous reunion. Soon after, thoughts turn to the matter of the locked report and Cid sets to work. Using the calculating power of a magitek terminal, he succeeds in identifying the late Owen's password, and you watch intently as the Allagan technologist appears in holographic form and explains the mechanism by which eikons make thralls of men. It is duly confirmed that, like those corrupted by Light, the souls of the tempered are subject to stagnation. Unlike with the victims of the sin eaters, however, you learn that one cannot reanimate a tempered soul without also intensifying the victim's fanatical faith. When you articulate this dilemma, G'raha Tia is inspired to theorize that an adapted version of memory transference might make it possible to perform targeted reanimation, and it is decided that you will rely once more on magitek terminals─this time to formulate a magick.
  • While Cid and G'raha Tia configure the terminals, you and the others are tasked with procuring supplies. Ironworks promissory note in hand, you set out for the Skysteel Manufactory in Ishgard to obtain the necessary ceruleum.
  • At the Skysteel Manufactory, you present the promissory note to Fromelaut, who informs you that an engineer at the airship landing will assist you with the ceruleum.
  • As you converse with the engineer, who should emerge from the landing but Ser Aymeric. Upon learning of your quest to cure tempering, he pledges Ishgard's full support, and sees you off aboard an airship laden with all the ceruleum you require and more.
