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This text property stores the full in-game jourmal description of the game asset, including wiki markup.
Recovered from deep within the Puppets' Bunker, this diminutive automaton bears a resemblance to the android known as YoRHa No.2 Type B. Why such a thing was created and by whom, however, are questions that will likely remain unanswered. +
Though this automaton found within the Puppets' Bunker bears a resemblance to the android known as YoRHa No.2 Type P, it thankfully doesn't appear to be hostile. Created through unknown technology, how it operates is a complete mystery. +
Recovered from the upper levels of the Tower, this diminutive automaton bears a resemblance to the android known as YoRHa No.9 Type S. What thoughts drove him and his kind, and to what end did they risk all in their fight? The answers to such questions may never be found... +
Legend tells of a right mad otter who, dissatisfied with the fare of his home waters, bought a ship and made south for more bountiful seas. There, he ate like a king...until his boat sank in a storm, leaving the slippery pup alone on stranger tides. +
Constructed by Ironworks handyman Wedge solely of parts retrieved from a deactivated Azys Lla guidance node, this refurbished machina retains none of the guidance capabilities present in the original. +
Be it a frozen waste or a volcano's fiery bowels, no matter where your adventures take you, this basket laden with tasty morsels will nourish your body while lifting your spirit. Cutlery and crockery included for your consuming convenience. +
This toy model of the air-wheeler A9 electrope-powered vehicle is tremendously popular amongst the children of Solution Nine. It is said that, in the past, a fleet of these were fitted with lights and flown in formation as part of magnificent fireworks displays. +
Since ancient times, melons have been favored in many cultures as nature's drinking flask. Not satisfied with merely their thirst-quenching property, however, Allagan scientists set out to make them portable, and this self-propelled melon is the fruit of their labors. +
Born and raised at the ranch in Wachunpelo, this adolescent alpaca has a mild temperament and friendly disposition. Owing to its young age, its spit has yet to become smelly, so if you wish to indulge in its irresistible fluffiness, now is the ideal time. +
This infantile amaro's wings are not yet strong enough to lift it more than an ilm or so off the ground, try as it might. Given enough time around people, it may gain the gift of speech, but with you for a master, that process may be somewhat delayed... +
The researchers of Origenics created this miniaturized prototype in order to ascertain the effects of excess soul use in their latest test subject. For this purpose, the souls of small animals were infused into the unit, which may explain its tendency to follow after people. +
This lifelike miniature of an ancient was recreated from a small concept crystal discovered in Anamnesis Anyder. Though believed to have been some manner of toy, given the towering stature of the ancients, its size is comparable to that of a Lalafellin child. +
A missing tinker has recently returned to Ul'dah claiming to have been “rescued by an angel.” While most believe the man to merely be a recipient of a passerby mage's kindness, he has since dedicated his life to creating automata in the image of his heavenly savior. +
Ardashir fashioned this new body utilizing the anima's original soulstone. No longer limited to the immediate vicinity of the anima weapon, it is free to explore the realm at your side. Whether it will grow to become a real boy or girl, however, remains to be seen. +
Thanks to its voracious appetite, this young anteater has grown to a size to rival an adult Lalafell. Though appearing to otherwise be harmless, in certain parts its kind is said to prey on seasonal workers─and the men specifically─thus earning it the moniker of the Widowmaker. +
Armadillos are seldom caught without their rocks, which they use to defend themselves from enemies. As a large rock bespeaks strength and status, one may occasionally see bravado-bound beasts that unwisely choose something beyond their ability to lift. +
After several turns of the sun sloshing about in the depths of a ninja betta's belly, this freshly hatched fry has given up swimming altogether and taken to the skies. How spending time in a belly can inspire a fish to flight is something only one who has spent time in a belly can know. +
While the means by which this otherworldly devourer of aether became trapped in a treasure coffer is most certainly a mystery worthy of further investigation, the real question on everyone's minds here is, “Why did you let it out?” +
Gyoshin labored through several nights to fincraft this tiny Namazu (though the happi stitchwork is clearly Gyorei's). He intended to make it in the likeness of the 777th attendee, but soon lost count, so model selection was ultimately random. +
Hitching a ride in the ballast tank of a submersible proved an enlightening experience for this infant wavekin, allowing it to listen in on the incessant mumblings of the vessel's pilot─a mammet voyager tasked with taking an audio log of all discoveries made. +