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Out of Place

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Out of Place

Quest giver
Well-meaning Mentor
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:18.9, Y:27.1)
Required items
1 20px  Anemone Carcass
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 706
Previous quest
Side QuestPaved With Good Intentions

This well-meaning mentor would ask for your help with unfinished business.

— In-game description


  • Survey the designated areas and slay the anemone should it appear.


  • This well-meaning mentor would ask for your help with unfinished business.


Accepting the Quest

Well–meaning Mentor: Your travels have led you back to Slitherbough, I see. Your timing is fortuitous. Preparations for the anemone hunt are complete. If you are of a mind to join me, your aid would be most appreciated.
Well–meaning Mentor: It was last seen in the southwestern region of Cleric. The hunt will prove difficult, however, as that is where the Children chose to build their spiders' nest.
Well–meaning Mentor: Tread lightly, and do not hesitate to strike it down on sight. I only ask that you retrieve its corpse should you find it first.

Surveying the designated areas and slaying the anemone should it appear

System:You see no sign of the anemone. Perhaps you should search elsewhere.
System: You find the corpse of an animal, but there are no signs of a struggle. Perhaps it was killed with poison...

Delivering the anemone corpse to the well–meaning mentor

Well–meaning Mentor: You are returned. I hope you had better luck than I.
<Hand Over Anemone Carcass>
Well–meaning Mentor: The anemone. You found it...
Well–meaning Mentor: <sigh> Would that there was another way, but the threat it posed to the Greatwood could not be ignored.
Well–meaning Mentor: Mark my words: this will not happen again.