Shadowbringers content

Open Arms, Closed Gate

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Open Arms, Closed Gate

Quest giver
Kholusia (X:35.2, Y:27.1)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 216,000
Gil 1,116
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Still Tide
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Fickle Existence
Side QuestA Meating Long Overdue
Side QuestRedolent Refuse
Side QuestA Feeling in the Belly
Side QuestSongstress of the Sea

Main Scenario Progress: 547 / 968 (56.5%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 6 / 157 (3.8%)


Alphinaud is ready to take to the road once more.

— In-game description



  • Alphinaud is ready to take to the road once more.


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: Assuming you have no objections, let us make our way directly to the city outskirts.
Alphinaud: If we time our arrival just right, you may be lucky enough to see why I have yet to set foot in Eulmore─despite my best efforts to do so...
Alphinaud: Come. From here, we must head west, and then cross a small bridge... 

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: Kholusia seems peaceful, does it not? Almost...familiar? I had a similar impression of the Crystarium. Even in this distant world, people are much the same.
Alphinaud: <sigh> To think that whenever a calamity struck the Source, a reflection such as this one─with all its culture and history─was being erased from existence...
Screaming Woman: >> N-No! Get away from me! <<
Alphinaud: ...Over there!
Alphinaud: Quickly, someone's in trouble!
Manic Madame: P-Please, no... 

Searching for the source of the scream

Manic Madame: Oh, thank the fates, y─ Look out! 

Aiding the manic madam (Cutscene)

Manic Madame: My poor heart... Thank you, young [miss/sir].
Alphinaud: Ah, there you are! In my haste, I lost my bearings... But I see you have the situation well in hand. Fine work!
Alphinaud: Are you alright, madam?
Manic Madame: Just a few bruises from where I fell. Nothing compared to what was in store for me before this brave soul came to my rescue.
Manic Madame: I honestly thought I was done for. My feet are not as swift as they once were, and I knew there was no one left to hear me scream. Not that I let that stop me!
Manic Madame: <sigh> I should probably leave my old house behind and queue up outside Eulmore with the rest of them.
Manic Madame: Doubt those fancy lords and ladies would welcome an old crone like me... Still, even a shack near the gate has to be safer than staying here!
Alphinaud: One would hope. Either way, I suggest you avoid wandering alone, lest you make the sin eaters' task any easier.
Manic Madame: Thank you again. You saved my life. Now, I'm sure a strapping [lass/lad] like you has little to fear, but I wouldn't linger long in this place. There's naught to be had here but cobwebs and memories.
Alphinaud: 'Tis as the lady says. Many in these parts have abandoned their homes to live in Eulmore's shadow.
Alphinaud: Should the sin eaters descend upon this region, there are precious few with the strength to fight them off...
Alphinaud: Speaking of which, what have you been told of these monsters? 
(If visited Alisaie first)
Alphinaud: Ah, yes. Alisaie would be well qualified to speak on the subject.
Alphinaud: Compared with Amh Araeng, Kholusia is almost a haven... But as you saw, we cannot let our guard down. Had you arrived but a few moments later, the sin eaters would have claimed another victim. 
(If visited Alphinaud first)
Alphinaud: A brief history, then...
'Twas not long after the Flood swallowed the better part of the world that the sin eaters first appeared, some beastly, some beauteous.
Alphinaud: Yet regardless of their form, all seem incapable of speech, and all are driven by the same insatiable appetite for mortal aether. They are predators─and we are their prey.
Alphinaud: Kholusia suffers from far fewer attacks than most regions, but even so, the list of the sin eaters' victims grows longer by the day. A tragedy without end... 
Alphinaud: Still, we have won a small victory this time, at least. Now, shall we press on?
Alphinaud: We need to return to where the road forks and follow the path that leads west... 
Alphinaud: And here we are.

Surveying the scene (Cutscene)

Alphinaud: That gate up ahead is known as the “Open Arms,” and Eulmore itself lies beyond. 
Alphinaud: This, meanwhile, is the aptly named “Gatetown.” The dwelling place of the many desperate souls who hope to be chosen to live in the city proper. 
Begrimed Bloke: Oh! I thought I recognized you. Brought a new friend, eh?   
Begrimed Bloke: Heh heh heh heh... I'll bet you've got a trick or two up your sleeve. Maybe even three! Care to show me? 
Alphinaud: [She's/He's] not here to compete. Leave [her/him] be. 
Begrimed Bloke: What!? I was only making conversation!
???: Ladies and gentlemen! Your attention pleeease! 
Red Jongleur: Greetings to our hopeful petitioners, one and all! Eulmore extends its warmest regards!  
Red Jongleur: Let it be known that a lady of distinction wishes to dine on fish divine! 
Blue Jongleur: We seek a master culinarian who can guarantee seafood perfection! Dazzle the matron with your delicious dishes, and life in the city will be yours to enjoy. Even on days when fish is not on the menu! 
Red Jongleur: Who among you will answer the call? Name yourself or another, we mind not at all! 
Alphinaud: Do you recall how I said Eulmore was a center of power and authority? Well, that is not the only reason for its fame.  
Alphinaud: It is also known as the “city of final pleasures.” The noble and the wealthy who survived the Flood gathered here to live out the rest of their days in decadent abandon. 
Alphinaud: A poor man could sooner pass through the eye of a needle than Eulmore's gates. The only way the commonfolk can enter this perverted paradise is if they fulfill the whim of one of the privileged. And so they are picked over like market produce... 
Red Jongleur: Ohoho! What a catch! We'll not be throwing this one back!  
Red Jongleur: Having seen your all-too-obvious charms, we welcome you with open arms! Come, join us in the city of splendor, and live out your life in an ecstasy of endeavor! 
Blue Jongleur: Ah, just look at those expectant faces! What could you possibly be waiting for!?  
Blue Jongleur: Well, well, what have we here!? An extra share of meol to celebrate our newest resident! 
Alphinaud: “Meol” is a foodstuff which Eulmore routinely doles out to the people of Gatetown, and apparently a staple for its citizens as well.  
Alphinaud: Many here rely on it to survive in these times of scarcity. Yet the whole arrangement just seems...  
Alphinaud: Well, let us just say it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: Now you understand why my attempts to enter the city have thus far come to naught. The dubious privilege of residency must be won via a contest with ever-changing rules...
Alphinaud: They say this policy has been in place for the past two decades, ever since Eulmore's current ruler came into power.
Alphinaud: Yet from what I have seen, it does more harm than good. Not only does it distract people from our shared struggle against the sin eaters, it robs them of their self-sufficiency. I have tried to propose ways they could improve their lot, but my words invariably fall on deaf ears.
Alphinaud: The attitude is so entrenched now, I worry that─ Well, mayhap you should take a turn around Gatetown, and judge the situation for yourself. 
Alphinaud: Go, take the measure of Gatetown. I shall wait here.

Having a look around Gatetown

System: A large pot bubbles over the flame. Pale chunks─meol, you realize─float in the otherwise plain broth.
Begrimed Bloke: Still here, are you? Can't blame you for wanting a slice of Eulmore's pie. If you ask me, you should ditch that sour-faced brat and make a home for yourself here!
Begrimed Bloke: Gatetown's not much to look at, aye, but at least it's safe. And the meol is the best thing I've ever tasted!
Begrimed Bloke: Mmm, do I savor it piece by piece, or gobble it all in one go...?
Preoccupied Petticoat: Just look at it... Can you imagine a more beautiful city?
Preoccupied Petticoat: Every day, I dream of the life that waits for me inside those walls. Oh, will they ever pick me...?
Preoccupied Petticoat: Ah, Eulmore, you taunt me with your promised bounty...

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: You've seen what Gatetown has to offer?
Alphinaud: These people can no longer fend for themselves. They've become dependent on handouts of meol, and believe Eulmore is the answer to all their woes.
Alphinaud: Yet no matter how I frame my encouragement, they seem unwilling─nay, unable─to conceive of any other way of life...