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Nyunkrepf's Hope

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Nyunkrepf's Hope


When the Sixth Umbral Calamity befell Eorzea and the realm was transformed into a sea, this great vessel, built by a man hailing from the north named Nyunkrepf, saved full many lives. having taken aboard countless souls drifting in the floodwaters, it was finally transported by magicks to its current resting place.

— In-game description

Nyunkrepf's Hope is a landmark in Wightrock, The Peaks.

Additional Information

Nyunkrepf's Hope is the name of a vessel built by Nyunkrepf Nyunkrepfsyn at the end of the Fifth Astral Era upon learning about the coming Calamity of Water. Knowing that there would be those who would not escape or would refuse to leave their homes and would be caught up in the flood. On the eve of the Calamity, he set sail with his close companions only known as the Twelve Archons and made for Eorzea. Using the vessel, he managed to save countless lives and battled against the raging tides. However, eventually the current became so harsh that the ship was soon staring down a wave large enough to destroy it, leaving all their efforts for naught. In a desperate attempt to save everyone, Nyunkrepf invoked an ancient and powerful spell, teleporting the vessel and its inhabitants away to safety.

The vessel would reappear in the mountains of Gyr Abania, atop Mount Yorn. The people aboard Nyunkrepf's Hope were now safe, having escaped the raging waves. The ship still rests atop the mountain, one of the few remaining relics of the Fifth Astral Era.