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Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Lower La Noscea (32.7, 19.8)
Limsa Lominsa
Sighard (grandson)
Quest NPC

Neddard is a Hyur found in Lower La Noscea. He is a resident of Red Rooster Stead.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Axe in the Stone Class quest 5 Wyrnzoen
The Mountain That Strides Class quest 20 Wyrnzoen


Neddard: That damn Calamity, I tell ye. I lost me wife, me son, an' me daughter-in-law in the aftermath. If it weren't fer me grandson, I don't reckon I'd 'ave much reason to linger on.

Class quest Axe in the Stone

Neddard: Aid! I need aid!
Neddard: <pant> <pant> Please, it's my grandson! Them snippers've got 'im! I told Sighard not to get too close! I told 'im...

Class quest The Mountain That Strides

Neddard: Thank the gods yer 'ere. Seems me grandson is set on causin' naught but trouble fer ye. But surely ye ken 'ow the lad is feelin'─'ow 'e's boilin' with 'ate fer that murderous beast. An' the last time, when ye came along like an avengin' angel an' showed 'im the strength o' yer steel, well, ye lit a fire in 'is belly. 'E must've got it in 'is 'ead to take revenge on the beast 'isself. Daft little bugger... Anyroad, once 'e 'eard Kujata'd been spotted near Aleport, why, 'e shot through that door like an arrow from a bow, an' I ain't seen 'im since. I beg of ye: find me little Sighard afore 'e gets 'isself stomped to death. That big bastard aurochs 'as spilled more'n enough o' me kin's blood...
Neddard: Ye brought 'im 'ome! I don't got the words to thank ye!
Neddard: Ye risked yer lives to save little Sighard─'ow's a man to find fault with that? It's me who ought to be beggin' forgiveness for the wounds ye took protectin' me foolish boy.