Loonh Gah

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Loonh Gah

"You may see before you the body of a Miqo'te, but my soul burns bright with the pride of the Amalj'aa. Do not expect me to sympathize with your civilized ways!"

— In-game description

Loonh Gah is a Miqo'te in Southern Thanalan.

Amaljaa daily quests3.png

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Brotherhood of Ash Feature quest 43 Hamujj Gah
Ranger Rescue Feature quest 46 Hamujj Gah
Martial Perfection Feature quest 48 Yadovv Gah
Friends Forever Sidequest 50 Hamujj Gah


Zone Coordinates Level range
Southern Thanalan (X:23, Y:13)
Southern Thanalan (X:16, Y:19)
Southern Thanalan (X:20, Y:20)
Southern Thanalan (X:19, Y:27)
Southern Thanalan (X:25, Y:21)
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:9, Y:9)
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:12, Y:8)

Additional Information

In spite of not being Amalj'aa, she is a fully accepted member of the Brotherhood of Ash. Also known by her birthname U'loonh, she is involved in the Amalj'aa Beast Tribe Quests.