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Languages/Roegadyn Dictionary

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Grammar Key

AN....Both Adjective & Noun
VN....Both Verb & Noun

Modifying Grammar

Noun to Adjective

Ais (Ice) + i = Aisi (Icy)

Ex: Aisibhir (Icy Ale)

(Entries which are designated as AN (both adjective & noun) will not change in structure when they are used as an adjective. For example Agat (amber) will NEVER become Agati.)

Verb to Agent Noun

Braen (Break) + a = Braena (Breaker)

Ex: Aisbraena (Ice Breaker)

Verb to Gerund

Floer (Lead) + n = Floern (Leading)

Ex: Floernmann (Leading Man)

Spelling Rule

Always remove doubled letter when combining a word that ends in the same letter the following word begins with.

Rostn + Noez = Rostnoez (Rusty Walnut)


When pronouncing Sea Wolf names, you can, for the most part, follow the rules of English. There are, however, some exceptions:


AE: Somewhere between the 'e' in 'egg' and the 'ai' in 'air' depending on the consonant that follows it
Aerg (ambitious) would be pronounced like 'airg'
Aent (duck) would be closer to 'ent' (rhymes with 'sent')

Aergaent (ambitious duck)

Y: A long 'e' such as the 'ea' in 'eat' or the first 'e' in 'Steve'
Alyr (alder) would be pronounced 'ah-leer'
Blyss (blossom) would be pronounced like 'bleece' (rhymes with 'fleece')

Alyrblyss (alder blossom)

OE: An 'ooh' sound such as the 'ue' in 'blue' and the 'oo' in 'I pity the foo'
Broen (brown) would be pronounced 'broon' (like 'broom')
Loef (leaf) would be 'loof' (rhymes with 'goof')

Broenloef (brown leaf)


PF: Closer to an ‘f' than a ‘p'
Pfym (five) would be 'fim' (rhymes with 'slim')
Skapf (sheep) would be 'skaff' (rhymes with 'staff')

Pfymskapf (five sheep)

TH: More like a hard 't' than a soft 'th'
Thosin (grey) would be 'toe-sin'
Sthal (steel) would be 'stall'

Thosinsthal (grey steel)

W: Somewhere in-between a ‘w' and a ‘v': nowhere as hard as the ‘v' in ‘villain,' but with a little more zing than the ‘w' is ‘west'
Wyzn (white) would sound like 'vee-zin'
Wilf (wolf) would sound like 'vilf' (rhymes with 'filth')

Wyznwilf (white wolf)

G: Almost always hard (like the 'g' in 'guilt' but not the 'g' in 'page')
The 'gin' in Swygyn (silent) would be NOT be pronounced like the drink 'gin' but like the 'gin' in 'begin'
Agat (amber) would be 'ah-got'

Swygynagat (silent amber)

J: A 'y' sound like in 'year' and 'yummy'
Jungh (young) would be pronounced 'yoong'

H: When paired with a vowel (before or after), almost always silent
Smhid (smith) would be pronounced 'smid' (rhymes with 'kid')

Junghsmhid (young smith)

Known Words

Roegadyn English Grammar
Abar Lone/Alone A
Abyl Rage N
Aent Duck N
Aerg Ambitious A
Aerm Poor A
Aerst First A
Agat Amber AN
Agynn Beginning N
Ahct River N
Ahl Eel N
Ahld Old A
Ahr Eagle N
Ahrm Arm N
Aht Eight A
Ahtyn Judge N
Ahtza Eighty A
Ais Ice N
Alyr Alder N
Anka Anchor N
Ansa Scythe N
Aren Harvest N
Ask Ash N
Awyr Absent A
Baen Bone N
Bara Bare/Naked A
Benn Leg N
Bera Berry N
Berk Mountain N
Bhald Bold/Brave A
Bhaln Plague N
Bhar Bear N
Bhir Ale N
Bhrat Meat N
Blaet Blood N
Blan Darkness/Dark AN
Blau Lead AN
Blei Pale A
Bloe Blue A
Bluom Flower N
Blyn Blind A
Blyss Blossom N
Borg Castle N
Born Boar N
Braen Break V
Brem Bramble N
Broda Brother N
Broen Brown A
Broes Chest N
Brot Bread N
Bryda Bride N
Bryn Spring N
Brytt Bridle N
Byld Make V
Bylda Maker N
Byrg (Byrgin) Protect V
Bylg Fertile A
Byrm Tree N
Byrt Axe N
Caepf Slate AN
Caer (Careig) Sad A
Ceig Sail N
Ceil Rope N
Cwaen Pine N
Cwin Wine N
Daeg Soldier N
Dani Narrow A
Denkyr Thinking A
Denn Thin A
Dhem Dusk N
Doen Thunder N
Doer Dry A
Does Two AN
Dornn Thorn N
Dorpf Village N
Draeg Carry V
Draga Carrier N
Drys Three AN
Dyn People N
Dyrf Farm N
Dyrst Thirsty/Thirst A
Eidin Oath N
Eifa Bitter A
Elak Elk N
Elil Exiled/Foreign A
Ent End N
Erna Earnest A
Ewan Even A
Eyha Oak N
Eyhil Acorn N
Eyn One AN
Eynli Eleven AN
Eyri Wandering A
Edz Eat V
Faeld Field N
Faez Fat A
Falk Falcon N
Farr Bull N
Fatyr Father N
Fedar Feather N
Fhet Fight V
Fhil Yellow A
Fhis (Fhisk) Fish N
Fhruh Early A
Fian Enemy N
Firk Explore V
Flaz Flat A
Flekk Spotted A
Floeg Fly V
Floer Lead V
Floh Flea N
Foer Four AN
Foet Foot N
Fohc Fox N
Folg Bird N
Frae Free A
Froe(a) Lady N
Frusk Frog N
Frut Fruit N
Fryd Peace/Peaceful AN
Fryn Friend N
Fyr Fire N
Fyril Lost A
Fyst Fist N
Gaez Goat N
Ganz Perfect A
Gara Skin N
Garr Choir N
Geim Jewel N
Geiss (Geyss) Ghost N
Germa Conjurer N
Gheb Give V
Ghim Modest A
Glac Bell N
Glaz Glass AN
Goht God N
Gohta Goddess N
Graeb Grave N
Greh Calm A
Grein Bronze AN
Grina Howl V
Grym Cruel A
Gryne Green AN
Guht Good A
Guld Gold AN
Guol Glorious A
Gybal Skull N
Gybet Prayer N
Gyft Sell V
Hael Healthy A
Haemr Hammer N
Haer Grand A
Haerz Heart N
Hald Kind A
Halp Side N
Hana Hemp/Hempen AN
Hanth Hand N
Harr Hair N
Hart Hard A
Hast (Hastal) Hazel A
Helb Half AN
Herl Elder A
Hezz Hot A
Himal Sky N
Hint Behind A
Hirsk Agile A
Holas Bald A
Holl Hollow A
Holsk Fast A
Horsk (Horsam) Obedient A
Hort Treasure N
Hund (Hundr) Dog N
Hwab Hawk N
Hwyz Know V
Hyll Hell N
Hylt Forest N
Hyml Heaven N
Hyr Army N
Hyrt Autumn N
Ingil (Inghil) Angel N
Isil Island N
Itar Knight N
Iyrn Iron AN
Jaeg Hunt V
Jarr Year N
Jho And X
Jungh Young A
Keim Violet/Purple AN
Kelt Cold A
Kest Chestnut AN
Keten Chain(ed) AN
Khan Laugh V
Khezl Kettle N
Khra Crane N
Khus Chaste A
Kilb Calf N
Kirz Candle N
Klet Burdock N
Klin (Klind) Child N
Klyn Small A
Klyng Brook N
Kneh Near A
Knod Knot/Knotty AN
Koel Coeurl N
Koen King N
Koena (Koenyb) Queen N
Krepf Claw N
Kroem Bent A
Kryd Chalk AN
Kryst Crystal AN
Kupf Copper AN
Kympf Champion AN
Kynd Virgin AN
Kyrss Cherry N
Laent Land N
Lago Lament V
Lahz Salmon N
Lamm Lame/Injured A
Leita Bringer N
Liht Light N
Lleid Pain N
Loef Leaf N
Loet Loud A
Loetr Pure A
Loez Short A
Loh Cloth/Clothes AN
Lon(a) Gatherer N
Lora Laurel N
Lorh Rabbit N
Loug Leech N
Lubb (Lubd) Poison AN
Lydir Leather AN
Lyna Linen A
Lyng Long A
Maeti Mighty A
Maga Stomach N
Mann Man N
Marm Marble AN
Merl Sea N
Mhar Horse N
Mhas Scar N
Mhol Salamander/Eft N
Mhus Mouse N
Moeg Able A
Moen Moon N
Moer Kill V
Moht Mind N
Murl Wall N
Myna Love N
Mynd Mouth N
Myrgan Morning N
Myst Mistletoe N
Myte Middle AN
Nagl Nail N
Nagyn Origin N
Nahct Night N
Nazz Damp/Wet A
Nebb Fog N
Nedyr Low A
Niu New A
Noez Walnut N
Nort North N
Nortyr Northern A
Nyst Nest N
Nyun Nine AN
Oebb Above X
Oefyr Sacrifice N
Oeya Eye N
Ofan Clear A
Opyl Apple N
Orn Maple N
Ost East N
Ostyr Eastern A
Oura Ear N
Pfar Walking A
Pfef Pepper N
Pfrew Joy N
Pfrym Plum N
Pfym Five AN
Pfyn Finger N
Phati Late A
Rael Doe N
Raen (Raeng) Circle N
Raet Chariot N
Ramm Ram N
Rhen Clean A
Rhet Law N
Rheti Straight/Lawful A
Rhit Right A
Rhot Red A
Rhyl Plentiful A
Roegan (Roega) Rain N
Roeh Rough A
Ronth Run V
Ronn Current N
Rostn Rusty A
Ruht Smoke N
Ryhhe Empire N
Rymm Frost N
Ryss Giant AN
Saelb (Sylbei) Sage N
Saelz Salt N
Saem Seed N
Saes Six AN
Sald Luck N
Sath Knife N
Satz Dance N
Seik Lake N
Sfeik Lake N
Skaen Beautiful A
Skaet Shadow N
Skal Servant N
Skapf Sheep N
Skarn Horrible A
Skoef Poetry(Poet) N
Skoen Shining A
Skrat Goblin N
Skrib Write V
Skyf Ship N
Skylt Shield N
Slae Dull A
Slaf Sleeping A
Slett Plain A
Smyd Smith N
Snoe Snow N
Some (Soemr) Summer N
Solk Blessed A
Spaer Sparrow N
Spyr Spear N
Stael Still A
Sterr Strong A
Sthal Steel AN
Sthan Stand V
Stral Arrow N
Stymm Voice N
Styr (Styrn) Star N
Styrm Storm N
Sund South N
Sundyr Southern A
Sunn Sun N
Swaen Mushroom N
Swar Black A
Sweig Herd NV
Swerd Sword N
Swoz Sweet A
Swyg Silent A
Swyn Round A
Swyr Big A
Swys (Swysta) Sister N
Sygg Victory N
Syhr Fearless A
Syk Sick A
Sylb Silver AN
Syn Son N
Syng Song N
Syngi Singing A
Synt Sand N
Syvin Seven AN
Syz Sit V
Syzn Sitting A
Thor Torn A
Thosin Grey A
Thota Daughter N
Thuba Mage N
Thubyr Magic AN
Thuv Dove N
Toeg Secret AN
Toff Deep A
Toum Dream N
Trach Dragon N
Trachyn Dragon A
Tragg Slow A
Trahg Lazy A
Troe (Troeb) Confused A
Troeg Monster N
Tu Dew N
Twyr Dwarf N
Tyl Valley N
Tymb Dumb A
Tyrb (Terbin) Cyclone N
Tyrn Tower N
Ubyl Evil A
Ulm Elm N
Und Wave N
Unsyn Innocent A
Unta Other A
Urs Auroch N
Usyn Ashen A
Uwil Owl N
Waeb Weave V
Waek Battle N
Waem Warm A
Waen (Waent) Wind N
Waht Guard N
Wakk Awake/Woken A
Wall Boil V
Wann Empty A
Ward Watch N
Warg Truth N
Wast Sharp A
Webb Silk AN
Wegg Provoke V
Wein Woad N
Weitz Wheat N
Wezzn Punishment NV
Whas Wax AN
Whei Soft A
Wilf Wolf N
Wilt Wild A
Winst Left A
Wint Winter N
Wist West N
Wistyr Western A
Woerd Word N
Wolk Cloud N
Woll Wool AN
Wunt Under A
Wuot Berserk A
Wurt (Wurth) Herb N
Wyb Woman N
Wyda Willow N
Wyrk Work V
Wyrka Worker N
Wyrn Snake N
Wyrst Sausage N
Wyss Wise A
Wyta Water N
Wyzn White A
Ybolg Enraged A
Zaen Ten AN
Zaes Right A
Zagyl Tail N
Zahr Tear N
Zant Tooth N
Zedyr Cedar N
Zeh Toe N
Zent Send V
Zirn Fury/Furious AN
Zoeng Tongue N
Zoer Sour A
Zwelf Twelve AN
Zwyn Twin AN


Roegadyn Dictionary
Race Naming Conventions