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Kasumi The Gold Saucer Fashion Report.PNG

Female ♀
Au Ra (Raen)
The Gold Saucer (7.2,7.3)
Part of
Fashion Report

All of the items in stock come highly recommended. Pray browse to your heart's content.

— In-game description

Kasumi is an Au Ra in The Gold Saucer. Her inventory has to be progressively unlocked by accumulating points in the Fashion Report. It requires a cumulative total of 600 points (or a minimum of 6 weeks assuming one receives 100 points per week) to fully unlock her inventory. In other words, if the three Spring items are available, you have her entire stock unlocked.

Items for Sale

Item Type Cost Unlock req.
Ash grey dye icon1.png   Ash Grey Dye Other Gil 40
Rose pink dye icon1.png   Rose Pink Dye Other Gil 40
Bark brown dye icon1.png   Bark Brown Dye Other Gil 40
Bone white dye icon1.png   Bone White Dye Other Gil 40
Mud green dye icon1.png   Mud Green Dye Other Gil 40
Ice blue dye icon1.png   Ice Blue Dye Other Gil 40
Gloom purple dye icon1.png   Gloom Purple Dye Other Gil 40
Daring dalliances orchestrion roll icon1.png   Daring Dalliances Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll Gil 5,000
Ballroom etiquette - bewilderment icon1.png   Ballroom Etiquette - Bewilderment Other Gil 5,000
Mummers wardrobe icon1.png   Mummer's Wardrobe Other Gil 8,800
Mummers shelf icon1.png   Mummer's Shelf Other Gil 8,800
Mummers maquillage icon1.png   Mummer's Maquillage Other Gil 3,000 100 cumulative Fashion Report points
Dress hanger icon1.png   Dress Hanger Other Gil 4,000 100 cumulative Fashion Report points
Coat hanger icon1.png   Coat Hanger Other Gil 4,000 100 cumulative Fashion Report points
Spring shirt icon1.png   Spring Shirt Body Gil 8,910 300 cumulative Fashion Report points
Dress form icon1.png   Dress Form Other Gil 9,200 300 cumulative Fashion Report points
Spring bottoms icon1.png   Spring Bottoms Legs Gil 8,910 600 cumulative Fashion Report points
Spring shoes icon1.png   Spring Shoes Feet Gil 5,346 600 cumulative Fashion Report points
Strewn smallclothes icon1.png   Strewn Smallclothes Other Gil 2,000 600 cumulative Fashion Report points
Strewn bottoms icon1.png   Strewn Bottoms Other Gil 2,000 600 cumulative Fashion Report points
Shirt display rack icon1.png   Shirt Display Rack Other Gil 7,200 600 cumulative Fashion Report points


What is the Fashion Report?

Kasumi: The Fashion Report is a challenge unlike any other at the Gold Saucer. Each week, Masked Rose issues a theme to which you are to attire yourself. You then go before him for judging.
Kasumi: Be fairly warned: as a leading critic in the field of fashion, Masked Rose does not mince words. Rather, he tears participants to shreds with his barbed tongue. That aside, folk seem to enjoy the experience. The prizes on offer certainly help to soothe the pain.

How am I judged?

Kasumi: Participants are judged on a scale of one to one hundred. Even if you do not score well at first, do not lose heart, for there are more opportunities to impress. To be precise, you may present yourself for evaluation four times per challenge.

What are the prizes?

Kasumi: Simply participating once in any fashion challenge will earn you a sum in MGP. 'Tis our little way of encouraging and thanking you.
Kasumi: The serious rewards, however, begin when you achieve a score of eighty or above. In this case, you can look forward to a veritable bounty of MGP!
Kasumi: Furthermore, regular challengers will also have access to unique prizes via exchange. So you see, there is no reason not to participate! ...Unless your ego is too fragile to survive Masked Rose's withering words, that is.