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IVth Imperial Legion

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One among the Garlean Empire's great legions, the IVth once held sway over imperial territories west of Doma—often referred to as the southern provinces—including Nagxia, Dalmasca, and Bozja.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 172

Noah van Gabranth, Legatus of the IVth Legion

The IVth Imperial Legion was one of the military forces under the control of the Garlean Empire. The IVth Legion was responsible for the invasion of Dalmasca, as well as maintaining a military presence in both Bozja and Dalmasca.


The IVth Imperial Legion is unique among Garlemald's many armies in that it is comprised primarily of foreign soldiers, a policy instated by Basch van Gabranth and continued by his son, Noah. The two hailed from the Republic of Landis, which, like so many other nations, fell before the might of the Empire. Basch was quick to bend the knee, ingratiating himself with the Emperor and earning a commanding rank in the military. The Gabranths' efforts would contribute greatly not only to the unification of the northern provinces and the Empire's campaign in the Far East, but the subjugation of Bozja and Dalmasca as well. Indeed, so great were their exploits that both achieved the title of "van," a rarity for those of non-Garlean lineage.

Under Basch and Noah's successive leadership, the IVth Legion valued an individual's ability above all else, welcoming anyone regardless of race, gender, or country of origin-a true meritocracy-and a similar philosophy was applied to the provinces under their rule. Emperor Varis was skeptical of this, however, believing it a sign that they harbored lofty and dangerous aspirations. In this he was correct, for Noah would one day seek to build a new nation all his own.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 172

The IVth Legion was led by Noah van Gabranth, and generally considered one of the strongest Legions in the Empire's military. Using their airships and magitek, the legion took city after city in Dalmasca until eventually only Nalbina Fortress remained. They were able to hold back the IVth Legion by erecting a magical barrier. It took over six moons, but eventually the fortress was conquered, at over seventy thousand Dalmascan soldiers lost. The IVth Legion'was able to maintain power over both Bozja and Dalmasca for over thirty years before being driven out of both regions by rebels and resistance forces, during which Dalmasca was razed to the ground in order to be made an example of. After Bozja fell, the fighting in what remained of Dalmasca escalated. Noah van Gabranth was murdered in the night and the compound set on fire. This was seen as the final straw for the IVth Legion. Following this, a majority of the Legion was defeated or captured, with only a small fraction of the members escaping or returning to Garlemald.

The IVth Legion was originally under the command of Basch van Gabranth until his passing, when Noah van Gabranth inherited command. The legion is noted for being made up of the fewest pureblood Garleans of any Legion, with Noah stating that he wished to build a new world that rewards its people on excellence, not on birth status.
