History Repeating
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History Repeating
- Quest giver
- Davyd
- Location
- Western La Noscea (X:16.1, Y:30.7)
- Quest line
- Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 42
- Required items
- 1 Heavy Warded Pot
1 Brass Earplugs - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Sweet Somethings
- Next quest
The Curious Case of Giggity
- Patch
- 2.0
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 138 / 968 (14.3%)
A Realm Reborn Progress: 138 / 241 (57.3%)
“Davyd is sweating profusely...
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in Western La Noscea.
- Speak with Mimidoa.
- Follow Mimidoa to the Ship Graveyard.
- Wait by the campfire.
- Speak with Mimidoa.
- Speak with Davyd.
- Show the corrupted crystal to Ceana.
- Davyd is sweating profusely...
- Davyd informs you that Mimidoa has come to the Isles of Umbra in search of you. Return to the northern shore and greet the old man.
- According to Mimidoa, a siren is behind the recent troubles. Declaring that the two of you must stop the creature, he furnishes you with a pair of brass earplugs and bids you follow him to the Ship Graveyard.
- You arrive at the Ship Graveyard to find that the grizzled Lalafell has prepared a large campfire. Convinced that the flames will draw the siren to shore, he instructs you to wait with him by the fire until she appears.
- Just as you and Mimidoa are about to drift off to sleep, the siren emerges and begins to sing her beguiling song. Shocked into wakefulness, you plug your ears just in time to prevent the creature from luring you to a watery grave. Finding that her words have fallen on hastily deafened ears, she proceeds to send wave after wave of undead thralls to assail you in vain, before at last relenting and retreating to the depths whence she came. Find out if Mimidoa is still in possession of his wits.
- To your great relief, Mimidoa is unharmed and in good spirits. The redoubtable old Lalafell applauds you on your performance, and proclaims that the siren will not risk returning to the Isles of Umbra for some time. Return to Davyd and tell him that the siren is no longer a threat.
- Davyd is both shocked and relieved to hear your tale, and he rewards you with the corrupted shard as promised. Return to Aleport and present the shard to Ceana.
- Betraying no hint of sympathy, Ceana reveals that the corrupted shard is the manifestation of an over-abundance of the element of fire, and that it will do little if anything to tame the element of wind. It would seem that your adventures in Aleport have been a waste of time.
Accepting the Quest
Davyd: ...But if they have returned, that would mean─ Oh, beg your pardon, I was just, um...thinking about something. Davyd: Which reminds me─I received word that Master Mimidoa would be arriving any moment.
(If the player is male) Davyd: Apparently, he grew tired of waiting for the “lanky young lad with the thousand-yalm stare” to return─which I'm assuming is you.
(If the player is female) Davyd: Apparently, he grew frustrated waiting for the “sweet young lass with skin as soft as phoenix down” to return─which I'm assuming is you.
Davyd: I don't know what sort of arrangement you had, but you should probably go and explain yourself.
Speaking with Mimidoa
Mimidoa: What's been keepin' ye, 'nitiate? I ain't gettin' any younger, ye know... Mimidoa: Eh? Some honey-voiced harlot's been callin' out to folk what wander near the Ship Graveyard? An' it's stirred up the dead an' all? Mimidoa: Bloody hells... This takes me back to me days as a cannonboy, sailin' under ol' Mistbeard... ...But they wouldn't dare, would they? Not after the lesson we learned 'em last time... Bah, they bloody would, though, wouldn't they, brazen ol' biddies... Mimidoa: <sigh> Some folk said as the first purge would be the last, but I knew...knew deep down in me bones as this day would come. An' come it has. Aye...I'd bet me bum ear a siren's behind all this. Mimidoa: Nay, not one o' the Sanguine variety, 'nitiate. I speak o' the other kind─them what's got feathers, an' lure sailors to a watery grave with their sweet, sweet song. Mimidoa: Ohhh, but it don't end there... No, drownin's just the start. See, even in death, a man stays bound to the beast, forced to do her biddin' till his corpse can't do it no more. Mimidoa: 'Tis a fate I wouldn't wish on me worst enemy─'cept maybe in drink, an' I'd regret it after. Anyroad, 'tis up to us to stop this hells-born hussy afore she takes another soul! Mimidoa: 'Course, we can't send ye marchin' off to war without these. The siren don't have no power o'er a man as can't hear her song. 'Tis lucky fer you I carry a spare pair─an' lucky fer the both of us I'm a superstitious ol' sod, eh? Mimidoa: Well, she ain't comin' to us, so we'd best head o'er to her. To the Ship Graveyard, 'nitiate!
Following Mimidoa to the Ship Graveyard
Mimidoa: If she passes near the shore, she's sure to spy the campfire an' come lookin'... Just a matter o' waitin', now.
Waiting by the Campfire (Cutscene)
Mimidoa: <yawn> Hmph. I'm beginnin' to wonder if some sly bugger ain't spun us a yarn, here...
Mimidoa: Quiet! D'ye hear that? 'Tis her! Mimidoa: >> Look! Out o'er the water! She's come, 'nitiate! She's come! << Mimidoa: Quick, lad/lass─shove them plugs in yer ears, an' get ready fer a fight! Soon as she realizes yer deaf to her ditties, she'll call on her thralls, an' we'll be up to our necks in corpses afore ye know it!
Solo Duty Dialogue
Siren: ...hither...embrace...mine everything...all...♪ Siren: ...true love spurned...her cruelty's reward...♪
Siren: Cast out...callous soul...dead to desire...♪
Siren: Spare...mournful mistress...distress...♪
Siren: ...melody...last breath...of death...the rhythm...♪ Siren: Dost thou not...to relent...regret...forever alone...♪
Siren: My love...a river...one look...soul shiver...♪
Siren: No more...dark...eclipse...the heart...♪
Speaking with Mimidoa
Mimidoa: Eh? Am I all right? Hah! I'm better'n that, 'nitiate! Happy as a sailor in a whorehouse, I am! ...'Course, I'd be happy as a sailor with two wotsits if we'd gutted the songstress─but ye can't have everythin', can ye? Mimidoa: She'll not come croonin' 'round here again, though─not fer a while, anyroad. An' if she does...well, we know what to do, don't we? Mimidoa: Thanks for the help, uh... Bugger me, I've clean forgot yer name! Remind me. [Forename]? Don't recall havin' no 'nitiate by that name. But if yer not me ol' mate, er...wossname, why've ye been so bloody helpful? Ah, never mind. Be seein' ye, lad/lassie.
Speaking with Davyd
Davyd: You mean it was a siren!? But how were you able to resist her song? ...I see. I had heard that Master Mimidoa was involved in the first purge, but I never actually... Hm. Davyd: Having survived an ordeal like that, I can't blame him for carrying earplugs around with him... Davyd: Anyway, I have something for you: the corrupted crystal you wanted, safely sealed within the pot, just as you requested. Please, take it with my compliments.
Showing the corrupted crystal to Ceana
Ceana: Oh, it's you! Welcome back, [Forename]. You're looking remarkably hale, I must say─and, more importantly, alive! You are alive, aren't you? <Hand Over Heavy Warded Pot> Ceana: Aha! The conquering hero returns bearing a gift! Might I have a closer look? Ceana: Impressive...very impressive indeed. Yes...I think you'll be quite pleased with this specimen. Ceana: Congratulations, [Forename]! Seldom if ever have I encountered a corrupted crystal composed of such a volatile overabundance of fire-aspected aether. Ceana: What? You wanted a corrupted crystal composed of ice-aspected aether to counteract the effects of a raging wind? Ah...ahaha. Well, this specimen won't help you there. Anyone who knows anything about the elements could tell you that. You'll just have to keep looking, I suppose!