His Dark Materia
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His Dark Materia
- Quest giver
- Gerolt
- Location
- North Shroud (X:30.2, Y:20.2)
- Quest line
- Zodiac Weapons Quests
- Level
- 50
- Required items
- 1 Book of Skylight
1 Zodium
1 Zodiac Scroll
1 Flawless Alexandrite - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Method in His Malice
- Next quest
Rise and Shine
- Patch
- 2.45
“— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Main article: Zodiac Braves Weapons/Quest
- Speak with Mutamix Bubblypots at the Bonfire.
- Speak with Gerolt.
- You sense that Gerolt is excited to see you back in Hyrstmill.
- Now that you have gathered the necessary pieces, Gerolt reveals the identity of his secret materia: your relic weapon nexus. Indeed, he reasons, if all the combined energies bound to the weapon could be made into materia, the very souls you have worked so hard to cultivate can ascend to the new host. But whether such an outrageous thing is even possible remains to be seen. To find out, Gerolt bids you seek the counsel of Master Mutamix at the Bonfire.
- Mutamix readily agrees to lend his aid to your cause. Inform Gerolt that the materia master is ready and willing.
- Delighted that Master Mutamix has promised to help, Gerolt now says everything is in place. Speak with Jalzahn when you are ready to recreate your Zodiac Weapon.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Gerolt: So ye've found all four bits an' pieces, eh? How do I know? Hah, it's written all over yer smug face.
Jalzahn: Does Gerolt speak true, my friend? You have acquired all the items? Huzzah! Come, [my friends/gentlemen], let us recreate an arm of yore!
Gerolt: We ain't there jus' yet, Jalzahn. Aye, I can forge a host with the raw materials what [Forename] brought quick as ye please. But all we'll have then is a fancy weapon without the essence of a legendary arm. Gerolt: We've still got to join it with special materia. By my reckonin', it's the only way to infuse our new host with the power o' souls.
Jalzahn: How do you propose we fashion this materia? Should [Forename] gather ten pieces of each form of atma? No, mayhap...twenty? Fifty? Surely materia composed of fifty pieces would be sufficient.
Gerolt: What the hells're ye on about, old man? The answer's right in front o' yer eyes: the bleedin' relic itself! Gerolt: Aye, you an' [Forename] have done a fine job o' fillin' the thing up with soul energy as the ancients did. Jus' turn all that to materia, an' meld it with our new host─make the souls ascend into an arm o' legend! Gerolt: 'Tis an awful amount of energy to deal with, though. Yer average old craftsman would make a right mess o' me finest smithin', an' disperse the souls to boot. What we need is a real master o' materia─if ye catch me drift.
Jalzahn: Master Mutamix─but of course! Who else but he could create such potent materia? Jalzahn: Come, [Forename], you must go to the Bonfire and ask his aid at once! Surely he will not refuse the challenge.
Gerolt: I thought ye were off speakin' with Mutamix at the Bonfire about the arm o' legend?
Jalzahn: I have never been so close to achieving my dreams... But long experience among failed experiments, however, teaches caution in such matters.
Speaking with Mutamix Bubblypots at the Bonfire
Mutamix Bubblypots: Pshhh... Shkohhh... Hubairtin and Adkin trade many tongueflaps about sphere scrolls. But today, uplander seeks materia-knowings of Mutamix? Mutamix Bubblypots: ...Uplander wants to make legendary fighty-tool into materia? Interesting. Fighty-tool full of airyself become amazing materia... And with the knowings in Mutamix's braincase, it possible! Mutamix Bubblypots: But Mutamix has shivershakes. It is very big chance-game! Even with the knowings of Mutamix, cannot give wordbond of success. Braincase filled with doubtful buzzing muchly! Mutamix Bubblypots: May go very, very unrightly! If Mutamix is failing, legendary fighty-tool will turn to bittybits! Airyself go bye-bye, too! Mutamix Bubblypots: But will give hand-lending if uplander is unweak of bladder. Give hail-call, and Mutamix make trip to your stayplace. (Optional) Mutamix Bubblypots: When uplander makes up braincase, give hail-call. Mutamix will make trip to your stayplace.
Speaking with Gerolt
Gerolt: An' what did Mutamix have to say? ...Hah! I knew he couldn't say no to a challenge like this! Gerolt: An' that...that means that everything's set fer the great show! I've got me forge fired up, so all that's left is to tell Jalzahn yer ready an' willin'. Gerolt: Well, me adventurin' friend, what say we recreate us a legendary arm? Ahahaha!