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Quest icon.png


Quest giver
Hasty Hunter
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:28.1, Y:17.2)
Required items
1 Ronkan doll core icon1.png  Ronkan Doll Core
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 606
Previous quest
Side QuestRock Solid

The hasty hunter remembers how helpful you can be.

— In-game description


  • Slay a cracked Ronkan doll for its core.
  • Deliver the core to the hasty hunter.


  • The hasty hunter remembers how helpful you can be.


Accepting the Quest

Hasty Hunter: A welcome sight in my hour of need.
Hasty Hunter: As you know, a number of our stone sentinels have turned against us. But if they can be slain, they may yet serve to protect these ruins.
Hasty Hunter: We lack the knowledge to build more, but it is possible to use their parts to repair those that yet remain.
Hasty Hunter: If you could slay even a single sentinel and bring me its core, that is all I require to begin my work.
Hasty Hunter: I only require a single core to begin my work.

Delivering the core to the hasty hunter

Hasty Hunter: Do you have a core?
<Hand Over Ronkan Doll Core>
Hasty Hunter: Yes, this is perfect.
Hasty Hunter: As I said before, we lack the knowledge to build the sentinels. And this is perhaps the most difficult piece to replicate.
Hasty Hunter: So long as their cores can be retrieved, we can prolong the life of those we yet have.