Gerolt (Eureka Pagos)
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Gerolt is a Hyur in The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos.
Items for Sale
Pagos Weapons
Pagos +1 Weapons
Elemental Weapons
After completing an Anemos Weapon
Gerolt: An' there he is, the man who's gonna get me off this bleedin' rock─ Err, I mean, the man what deserves a weapon o' phenomenal power as befits his martial prowess! Gerolt: Oi, what's with the reaction? I'm doin' ye a favor here. Try and look more enthused at the prospect, why don't ye! Gerolt: That's more like it! So─I made ye a bloody brilliant weapon in Anemos, aye? The very best what anyone could craft in that bastard region. Gerolt: Couldn't do better, believe you me. All that wind-aspected aether seepin' into every little thing means ye'd be foolish to even try. Gerolt: Now, yer average smitty'd throw their hands up in defeat─but Gerolt's anything but! Aye, I've found a solution to our problem, an' an elegant one besides. Gerolt: If the elemental forces in yer weapon are out o' balance, all we've got to do is bring 'em back in line. Gerolt: An' to do that, we'll need a boatload o' crystals chock-full of aether o' various aspects to cancel out all the wind. Gerolt: There ye go again, makin' that face! Worried about where in the seven hells ye'll find that many crystals. Nowhere, ye daft sod─ye'll make 'em! Gerolt: Feast yer eyes on this beauty─a Eurekan kettle! Take it with ye when ye go about yer business in Pagos. Every time ye kill beasties, it'll suck up a portion o' their aether. Gerolt: When the kettle's brimmin' with enough vitiated aether, ye can convert it into a crystalline form─with the aid o' the proper facilities, that is. Gerolt: Where are said facilities, ye ask? That's a damn good question... Gerolt: Hold yer chocobos, killer! I honestly don't know. Somewhere in Pagos, though, that much is certain. Gerolt: Krile's the one what told me her grandfather developed an apparatus for the purpose o' compressin' aether into crystals. Reckoned it should be somewhere near our camp. More'n that, she can't say. Gerolt: Anyroad, you ought to know this crystal forge when you see it. If it helps, think of it as an adventure. You're still an adventurer, ain't ye? Gerolt: Right, then! I'm countin' on ye to bring back those crystals so we can make ye a better weapon an' prove that my method isn't a load o' bollocks! An' then the harridan'll have to give me my due, an' I'll be one step closer to freedom!
System: As you defeat enemies in the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos, your Eurekan kettle will gradually accumulate vitiated aether. System: The quantity of aether with which your kettle is currently infused is represented by a gauge during your expedition.
Gerolt: Well? Got enough materials for me to get to work?
Attempting Pagos +1 weapon augmentation without Louhi's Ice
Gerolt: (Pagos Weapon) +1, ye say? All right. An' ye've brought the requisite materials with ye too, aye? Gerolt: Hmm... Ye've got plenty o' frosted protean crystals, aye, but that alone won't suffice this time.
Pagos +1 weapon augmentation
Gerolt: (Pagos Weapon) +1, ye say? All right. An' ye've brought the requisite materials with ye too, aye? Gerolt: ...So ye have. Right, then. Hand 'em over an' I'll get to work. Gerolt: Sit tight, lad. This'll only take a moment... Gerolt: Bugger me, we've done it again. We've harnessed the true potential o' Pagos. Ye hold in yer hands the culmination o' what this frozen wasteland's got to offer. Gerolt: I give ye...the (elemental weapon)! Gerolt: I tell ye, lad, sometimes I scare myself. Gods willing, I'll scare the harridan too─or at least surpass her expectations to the point she knocks a few million off my debt! Anyroad, if ye need any more work done, let me know.