Gerolt (Eureka Hydatos)
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Gerolt is a Hyur in The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos.
Items for Sale
Hydatos Weapons
Hydatos +1 Weapons
Named Weapons
Eureka Weapons
Physeos Weapons
Prior to completing initial quest
Gerolt: Ah, was wonderin' when ye'd come swaggerin' up. I've been bustin' a gut to make yer life easier, but before I get into the juicy details, go an' let Krile know yer here, eh?c
After completing a Pyros Weapon
Gerolt: Ye know...lookin' back, we've come a long way. An' if the talk 'round camp's true, here's where the journey ends. ...Bah, listen to me tryin' to wax poetic. Feels like hot turds tumblin' out o' me bloody mouth. Let's get on with it, eh? Gerolt: So! Last time, we strengthened the weapon by infusin' it with mnemes. Stuffed it near to burstin' with the power o' memories. Gerolt: While there's no room left for more mnemes, we can fortify what's already there. An' that's precisely what we're gonna do, usin' aether from crystals an' the like. Gerolt: Word o' warnin', though: once we get started on a weapon, ye won't be able to improve it at the mnemeworks station. Gerolt: That's until we've finished augmentin' it, at any rate. Jus' bear that in mind. Gerolt: An' that's the long an' short of it. Off ye go, then. Get me the materials we need, an' I'll get to work.
System: Once you begin enhancing a Pyros weapon, you will be temporarily unable to imbue it with additional properties. System: Imbuing will become available again once the weapon has undergone all available upgrades in Hydatos.
Upgrade attempt without requisite materials
Gerolt: Ah, there s/he is. What've ye got for me this time? Gerolt: A (Pyros weapon), ye say? All right. Let's see the rest o' the requisite materials then, aye? Gerolt: Bah, that won't do. Yer short X Hydatos crystals by the look of it.
System: You do not have the required Hydatos crystals to augment the (Pyros weapon). System: Moreover, when augmenting your weapon, you may need to procure something other than Hydatos crystals. Speak with other players and share information to discover how to proceed!
Weapon upgrade
Gerolt: Right, then. Sit tight an' I'll get started... Gerolt: Heh, this is some damn fine work, an' I do say so meself. Wrung every drop o' power out o' the materials, I did. Gerolt: I give ye...the (Hydatos weapon (+1/2))! Gerolt: Impressive as she is, there's still room for improvement─provided I've got the right materials to work with. See if ye can round 'em up, eh?
Upgrade to base Eureka Weapon
Gerolt: It's done. Yer weapon's had a deep draft o' the power o' Hydatos. Gerolt: I give ye...(Base Eureka Weapon)! Gerolt: We're gettin' real close, lad. Jus' one more time workin' on this weapon, an' I reckon I can make her the best she can be. Gerolt: If ye like the sound o' that, get back out there an' round me up more materials.
Upgrade to Eureka Weapon
Gerolt: Hah, these hands've birthed forth a bleedin' masterpiece! Yer weapon─she's finally complete! Gerolt: I give ye...(Eureka Weapon)! Gerolt: Amazin', ain't she? Fit for a bleedin' god. But then again I'm a god amongst weaponsmiths.
Drake: Master Gerolt, a letter arrived for you with the latest shipment. It's from Mistress Rowena.
Gerolt: From that harpy? The hells could this be about? Gerolt: A-Are me eyes playin' tricks!? It says here all me debts've been repaid in full!
Drake: You finally did it! Congratulations!
Gerolt: At long last, a free man... Ahhh, it makes me head spin jus' imaginin' the possibilities... Gerolt: Hm? There's a piece o' paper stuck behind... Gerolt: An invoice to the tune o'...what in the actual swivin' hells!? Th-This is as much as the debt I just settled!
Drake: B-By the Twelve... What could you have possibly purchased?
Gerolt: Grog. Plain ol' grog. I had spare time on me hands, so I asked for a crate to be sent over. Might be as this island's remote...but a hundredfold markup on market price!? This is a godsdamned joke!
Drake: It appears we won't be leaving the island any time soon...
Gerolt: <sigh> Well, back to the grind with us... Aye, that means you too, lad. I need ye to keep bringin' me materials. Gerolt: Now, we were talkin' about yer weapon. As I said, she's complete. Ain't nothin' more I can do for her. Gerolt: All that's left is for ye to wield her like she's meant to be wielded. Gerolt: If ye understand this, what're ye waitin' for? Get back out there an' raise hells!
System: You can now imbue your completed Eureka weapon with additional properties at the mnemeworks station found in the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros.
After completing the Baldesion Arsenal
Gerolt: I heard ye found somethin' called a Eureka fragment up in the Baldesion Arsenal. Gerolt: That's potent stuff, that is. With it, I can imbue yer weapon with elemental power. Can't have too much of that here.
System: Eureka fragments can be used to imbue your completed Eureka weapon with the additional property Elemental Bonus. System: This bonus serves to strengthen all of your elemental attributes to grant you an advantage in battle against the fearsome creatures of Eureka. System: Please note that the bonus does not alter the appearance or visual effects of weapons, nor does it improve other attributes such as attack power.
Deliver Eureka fragments
Gerolt: Well now, look at what we've got here. Aye, I can use this to imbue yer weapon with elemental power. Gerolt: Looks like ye've got enough of the stuff, too. Now ye jus' need to pick a weapon to use 'em on. Gerolt: So it's to be (Eureka Weapon), eh? Give it all here an' I'll get to work. Gerolt: Right, then. Sit tight an' I'll get started... Gerolt: There, the imbuin's done. Yer weapon's now brimmin' with elemental power. Gerolt: I give ye...(Physeos Weapon)! Gerolt: Mark me words, yer weapon's the mightiest of its kind here on Eureka. Gerolt: There ain't nothin' more I can do for it─an' that's sayin' a lot! Put her to good use, now, ye hear?