Gallery: Anima Weapons - Astrologian

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This gallery contains images of all stages of Astrologian's Anima Weapons.


Main article: Animated Weapons

Animated Atlas icon1.png Animated Atlas


Main article: Awoken Weapons

Atlas Awoken icon1.png Atlas Awoken


Main article: Anima Weapons

Deneb icon1.png Deneb

Hyperconductive Anima

Main article: Hyperconductive Anima Weapons

Hyperconductive Deneb icon1.png Hyperconductive Deneb

Reconditioned Anima

Main article: Reconditioned Anima Weapons

Sphere of the last heir icon1.png Sphere of the Last Heir

Sharpened Anima

Main article: Sharpened Anima Weapons

Sharpened sphere of the last heir icon1.png Sharpened Sphere of the Last Heir

Complete Anima

Main article: Complete Anima Weapons

Canopus icon1.png Canopus

Lux Anima

Main article: Lux Anima Weapons

Canopus lux icon1.png Canopus Lux