Digging for Answers
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Digging for Answers
- Quest giver
- Novv
- Location
- Western La Noscea (X:16, Y:22)
- Quest line
- Intersocietal Quests
- Level
- 50
- Gil
- Previous quest
Clutching at Straws
- Next quest
Rattled in Ehcatl
- Patch
- 2.35
“Novv would make a request of you, clutchfather to daughter.
— In-game description
- Search for the kidnapper's skiff in Aleport.
- Speak with Baderon in Limsa Lominsa.
- Speak with Trachraet.
- Speak with 789th Order Dig.
- Speak with the 175th Order kobolds at the Kobold Dig.
- Track down the kidnapper at the Kobold Dig.
- Report to Skaetswys.
- Novv would make a request of you, clutchfather to daughter.
- Considering you one of his own, the wounded clutchfather Novv entrusts you with the rescue of the kidnapped Bouu. He explains to you that after falling to the masked Miqo'te, he managed to punch a hole in the culprit's skiff with his spear. Thus surmising that the vessel has been taken to Aleport for repairs, he bids you go in pursuit.
- No sooner do you locate the kidnapper's vessel than the enigmatic Sylvie appears, informing you that your quarry has once again eluded your─and her─grasp. She further reveals that the one you seek is a shadowy figure known as the Ebon Claw, and suggests that Baderon at the Drowning Wench may be able to tell you more about your man.
- As Baderon tells it, the Ebon Claw is the epithet of Nhaza'a Jaab─an erstwhile adventurer and incomparable swordsman who now makes his trade as a hired blade to the most unscrupulous individuals in the realm. He warns you that it is in your best interests to steer well clear of the man, then recalls that Lieutenant Trachraet of the Maelstrom was asking around for you not long ago.
- Trachraet explains that he was searching for you on behalf of his fellow storm lieutenant Skaetswys, who it would seem has another kobold crisis on her hands. Reunite with her at the 789th Order Dig and see what the trouble is this time.
- Speaking with Skaetswys reveals an unsurprising turn of events─the kidnapper has struck again, this time ambushing a group of kobolds of the 175th Order in the heart of the Kobold Dig. Travel to the scene of the crime and question the victims in the hopes of tracking your quarry.
- In shock and in shambles, the kobolds of the 175th Order explain that their alchemist, the beloved Bi Bi, was captured by a fearsome swordsman. As they tell it, he fled to the south, pursued by a mysterious green-haired girl. There may yet be time to catch your quarry.
- You find Sylvie collapsed on the ground, clinging tenuously to consciousness. With labored breaths, she explains in frustration that she tracked Nhaza'a Jaab here, but was powerless to stop him. Return to the 789th Order Dig and report this distressing news to Skaetswys.
- You return to the 789th Order Dig to find Sylvie lying on the ground, her condition grave. She implores you to put a stop to the Ebon Claw's madness, while implying that there is yet another mastermind behind the scenes...before falling unconscious from her wounds. With Gi Gu proving ever incompetent, Skaetswys takes it upon herself to carry the girl to Camp Overlook to recuperate. Upon her return, she asks you to share any knowledge you have about your quarry, in hopes of plotting your next course of action.
Accepting the Quest
Novv: Pshhh...[Forename]. You may lack for gills, but you are as much my child as any of those I have spawned. It is as your clutchfather that I would bessseech your aid. Novv: I know not what that masked shhhorewalker means to do with Bouu, but I fear for the boy's life. I would leave this moment in pursssuit, but I am not young, and my wounds are slow to heal. My daughter/son─pray rescue your brother in my ssstead. Novv: There is a sssaying among our people: the shark that swallows a Sahagin will choke on its ssscales. Though my clash with the kidnapper might have appeared a one-sided affair, I assure you it was not entirely so. Novv: After I tumbled into the waves, I struck at the villain's skiff with my spear. Even in my weakened state, I was able to open a sssizable hole in its bottom. The vessel will flood before long, if it has not already. Novv: The fiend will have no choice but to dock at the nearessst port for repairs. And there is only one sssuitable location in western La Noscea. Pshhh! You will find our man at Aleport─you can be sure of it! Novv: Go forth, O strongest of my daughters/sons! Your ssspawnbrother's life hangs in the balance! (Optional) Novv: Pshhh... You must pursssue the fiend to Aleport, my daughter/son. Your ssspawnbrother's life hangs in the balance!
Searching for the kidnapper's skiff in Aleport
System: A survey of the skiff reveals nothing unusual.
System: You notice a small hole in the skiff's bottom, identifying it as the kidnapper's vessel.
???: Again she/he comes, unaware that what she/he seeks has already been swept away by the tide. Sylvie: Just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you, stranger? Ah, well. I suppose it matters little now. Sylvie: I know who it is you seek...for I seek him as well. I also know that our man left Aleport not bells ago, and none in town can speak as to his whereabouts. Sylvie: First he came for sylphs, then for Sahagin. Yes, it is clear enough. The wheels are in motion, and they will not stop until every beast tribe has been crushed beneath... Sylvie: He must be stopped─and I will be the one to stop him!
< About these kidnappings... > < Why beastmen? > < Who is that masked Miqo'te? >
< Why beastmen? > Sylvie: Why, indeed? If I had an answer, it would make our search that much the easier. Alas, the Ebon Claw's motives are as inscrutable as that red eye...
< Who is that masked Miqo'te? > Sylvie: ...So you saw him as well. Clad all in black, with a face of metal and that red eye burning in the darkness...
(Both) Sylvie: They call him the Ebon Claw, as those who speak his birth name are said to be not long for the world. To what dark end he preys upon the beast tribes, I cannot say─only that he cannot be allowed to continue. Sylvie: If you would know more of our quarry, seek out Baderon at the Drowning Wench. Sylvie: I must move quickly...before tragedy strikes again...
Speaking with Baderon in Limsa Lominsa
Baderon: Well, if it ain't me favorite regular, [Forename]! 'Ave ye come for a pint or a tale─mayhap both? Baderon: Bugger me with a spear, an' tell me ye didn't just say what I think ye said! Baderon: I told ye not to tell me that, [Forename]. Aye, just 'earing those words sends a shiver up me spine... Baderon: ...The Ebon Claw. Nhaza'a Jaab─though I'd suggest you avoid speakin' that name if ye prefer yer 'ead attached to yer body. One o' the five deadliest sellswords in Eorzea, by my measure. Baderon: Not that yer like to 'ave 'eard of 'im. Prefers to keep to the shadows, ye see. Smugglin', assassination, extortion─the dirtier the job, the more it titillates the man. Baderon: Believe it or not, 'e started out as an adventurer not unlike yerself. Some reckoned 'e'd be just the 'ero the realm was lookin' for. But doin' good didn't seem to satisfy 'im none, and it didn't take 'im long to turn to the dark side... Baderon: Yer as strong and sure a lass/lad as I know, and that's why I give ye this advice: keep a wide berth o' that man. I'd 'ate to see ye end up like... Baderon: ...Which reminds me, [Forename]. Someone stopped by the Wench not long ago, askin' if I'd seen ye about. Baderon: An officer of the Maelstrom, no less. I believe 'e said 'is name was Trachraet. Baderon: The burly bloke didn't share any details, but it seemed a matter o' some urgency. Ye'd best get along to Maelstrom Command and see what the fuss is. (Optional) Baderon: Can't say for sure what Trachraet wanted, but it sounded like a matter o' some urgency.
Speaking with Trachraet
Trachraet: Thank the Navigator! Just the woman/man I was lookin' to see! Trachraet: Ye remember Lieutenant Skaetswys, no doubt? Aye, she leaves quite an impression. And it would seem you left quite an impression on 'er, as well─she asked for ye specifically by name. Trachraet: It would seem there's another storm brewin' at the 789th Order Dig, and she reckons she needs yer steady 'and to navigate through. As fer the nature o' the storm, that ye'll 'ave to 'ear straight from 'er.
Trachraet: Just between you and me, sometimes I can't 'elp but think that lass goes out of 'er way to look for trouble.
789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Have you noticed, overdweller? Changes have come to the 789th Order Dig–transformations, alterations, changes! 789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Yes, yes, many changes at the dig. Firstly, nap time has been cut from four hours to three. Secondly, all pickmen must at least think about picking up their pickaxe once a day. 789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Thirdly... <yawn> Ah, but Gi Gu must see to important business. Overdweller will return in three hours, yes?
Speaking with Skaetswys at the 789th Order Dig
Skaetswys: [Forename], I thought ye'd never come! We've got a crisis on our 'ands 'ere, and I ain't just talkin' about this oversized bilge rat's aversion to anythin' resemblin' honest work! Skaetswys: I tell ye, after all you and I did to end Zo Ga's reign o' terror, ye'd think 'e'd make the slightest effort to raise 'is order from the arse end o' kobold society, wouldn't ye? Well, ye'd be wrong! Skaetswys: But that's neither 'ere nor there. The reason I wanted ye goes beyond this lot o' loungers─we've got a catastrophe facin' all o' koboldkind! I tell ye, these days it's out o' the bomb's nest, into the cauldron! Skaetswys: What sort o' crisis, ye ask? Scores o' kobolds from the mines just up and disappearin'! Aye, one moment they're there, an' the next they're gone! Who─or what─could possibly be responsible for this!?
< I'd wager we're dealing with... > ...A rogue Roegadyn! > < ...A serial beastman kidnapper! >
< A rogue Roegadyn. > Skaetswys: Gwahahaha! Ye got me, Forename. I always thought the realm would be better off without these good-for-nothin'─are ye out o' your bleedin' gourd?
(Both) Skaetswys: Aye, the rumors from the Shroud and La Noscea 'aven't escaped me ears. Beastmen spirited away from their 'omes. But one question remains: why? Skaetswys: From the sound of it, ye've already done some investigatin' of yer own. I'll see what I can get out of Gi Gu and the rest o' these laggards. What say you survey the scene o' the crime? Skaetswys: Word 'as it that an inspection team from the 175th were ambushed right from the 'eart o' the Kobold Dig. The 175th's a friendly lot─ye remember Bi Bi, no doubt?─I reckon they won't be stingy with information.
Skaetswys: With this kidnapper about, I thank the Twelve I wasn't born a beastman. But I must confess─I 'aven't been this excited since the two of us teamed up to bring down Zo Ga!
789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: The 789th's favorite adventurer returns! You will be pleased to hear that we have been working hard─yes, yes, very hard, indeed. Gi Gu simply must share with you his latest discovery! 789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: After days of hard research─yes, yes, very hard─Gi Gu has taught himself how to sleep with his eyes open─peeled, wide, open! We can nap as often as we like, and the inspectors will be none the wiser! Gi Gu is quite the genius, yes?
Speaking with the 175th Order kobolds at the Kobold Dig
175th Order Quarryman: Bi Bi! Where did he take Bi Bi!? Where...!? (Optional) 175th Order Quarryman: Unghhh... Bi...Bi...
175th Order Alchemist: It stings─burns, sears, stings! I set my strongest bombs against him, but they could do nothing. No, no, nothing... (Optional) 175th Order Alchemist: I've seen no overdweller so strong. No, no, not ever!
175th Order Priest: I...I saw it all. Yes, yes, I did. He grabbed Bi Bi with one arm, pressed steel against her neck. It was too much to watch─too distressing, too painful, too much! 175th Order Priest: I was too scared─yes, yes, too cowardly to come out of hiding. But the overdweller girl─yes, yes, the girl with green hair. She chased him─followed him, pursued him, chased him to the south! (Optional) 175th Order Priest: The overdweller girl chased the kidnapper to the south. Oh, our dear Bi Bi─our precious, our beloved, our dear Bi Bi!
Tracking down the kidnapper at the Kobold Dig (Cutscene)
Sylvie: C-Curses... He's too...unggghhh! Sylvie: D-Don't touch me! I...I can stand on my own. Sylvie: My deductions were flawless... I knew the kobolds were next... I waited, waited to strike, and yet... I could do nothing... Sylvie: Nhaza'a Jaab─the Ebon Claw. I should have known I would be no match for that monster... Sylvie: My strength wanes... At this rate, I shall be... I...I must go...
Sylvie: That...that one is too strong...
789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Wh-What is happening here!? How is Gi Gu supposed to nap with all this disruption─disturbance, disorder, disruption!?
Reporting to Skaetswys (Cutscene)
789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Wh-Who is this overdweller girl!? What is she doing here!? And where can Gi Gu go to nap in peace─quiet, silence, peace!?
Skaetswys: Ugh, 'ow in the bloody 'ells should I know!? Now quit yer blatherin'─the poor lass's wounded!
Sylvie: W-Worry not for me... Please... You must stop him... Sylvie: Nhaza'a Jaab...the Ebon Claw...sword to the underworld... Sylvie: And yet he is but a blade for hire... No...another...<cough>...pulls the...<wheeze>...strings...
Skaetswys: >> Enough, lass! Save yer strength! <<
Sylvie:He must...<cough>...be stopped... Ixal...Amalj'aa...no beastman is...<wheeze>... Sylvie: ...safe...
789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Is she dead─expired, perished, dead!? Oh no, no─this cannot be! Bring my pickaxe! Gi Gu shall give the overdweller girl a proper burial!
Skaetswys: >> Fool! She's not dead─but you will be if you don't stop yer bloody whinin'! << Skaetswys: The girl still lives, but she'll need an 'ealer's 'and an' a clean bed, neither of which she'll find 'ere. I'll see 'er to Camp Overlook.
789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: Does the overdweller imply that we are...unclean!? Gi Gu takes umbrage at your remark─offense, insult, umbrage! Why, Gi Gu took a bath just last year! Yes, yes, he did!
Skaetswys: Worry not for the girl. She'll be safe at Camp Overlook. Our priority now should be rescuin' Bi Bi from her kidnapper.
789th Order Pickman Gi Gu: >> My beloved Bi Bi was kidnapped!? Why─yes, yes, why did you not tell me sooner!? What is the ransom? Gi Gu has two chunks of ore and a handful of sulphur! <<
Skaetswys: ...Somehow I don't think that'll be enough. Besides, I 'ave a feelin' it ain't just riches our man is after. Skaetswys: It would seem poor Bi Bi's life is at stake...again. We'll need to move quickly, [Forename]. I need ye to share with me anything and everything ye know o' the man─we'll get to the bottom o' this together.