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Confederate Recruit

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Confederate Recruit

Who...who are you? You do not look like a man of the Confederacy. ...Forgive me. 'Twas but yesterday we bid farewell to one of our own, and I worried that she might have lost her way. We laid her to rest in a boat and pushed her out till the current claimed it. For the sea is our home, now and ever after. But those sent thither with burdened hearts may drift back to shore, it is said... Out of concern for her comrades, she strove to earn far more than her keep. She hunted rare and deadly game in treacherous waters, and lost her life for it. But my vigil is ended─her vessel has not returned to Onokoro! She has made peace with this life and placed her faith in us to live on...

— In-game description

Confederate Recruit is an Au Ra in The Ruby Sea.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Last Voyage Main Scenario quest 62 Aranami

Additional Information