Battle text commands

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See also: Text commands
Command Aliases Usage Description
/battlemode /battlemode, /bm /battlemode [subcommand] Toggle between active and passive mode.

 on Switch to active mode.
 off Switch to passive mode.

Toggle between active and passive mode when no subcommand is specified.
/target /target, /ta /target [placeholder] Targets the specified PC. Target must be within a certain radius for this command to function.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /target <2>
 (Targets second player
 in player list.)
/targetpc /targetpc, /tpc /targetpc Targets the closest PC within a certain radius.
/targetnpc /targetnpc, /tnpc /targetnpc Targets the closest NPC within a certain radius.
/targetenemy /targetenemy, /tenemy /targetenemy Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius.
/battletarget /battletarget, /bt /battletarget Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius that is attacking you.
/assist /assist, /as /assist [placeholder] Targets the target of another PC. Assists current target when none is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders
/facetarget /facetarget, /ft /facetarget Immediately turns your PC in the direction of your current target.
/nexttarget /nexttarget, /nt /nexttarget Toggle clockwise through on-screen enemies.
/previoustarget /previoustarget Toggle counterclockwise through on-screen enemies.
/targetlasttarget /targetlasttarget, /tlt /targetlasttarget Re-target your last target.
/targetlastenemy /targetlastenemy, /tle /targetlastenemy Re-target the last enemy you targeted.
/lockon /lockon, /lo /lockon [subcommand] Lock on/off current target.

 on Enable lock-on.
 off Disable lock-on.

Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
/focustarget /focustarget [placeholder] Makes the specified PC your focus target. Makes current target your focus target when none specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /focustarget <t>
 (Makes current target
 your focus target.)
/enemysign /enemysign, /marking, /mk /enemysign [sign type] [placeholder] Set a sign on the specified target. Uses current target when not specified.

>>Sign Types:
  off/clear Turns off sign.

Opens and closes the Signs menu when no subcommand is specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /marking attack2 <t>
 (Assigns "Target to Attack 2"
 to target.)
/waymark /waymark, /wmark /wmark [subcommand] [placeholder] Place a waymark on the ground below a target. If no target is specified, you will enter ground targeting mode ready to place a waymark.

  Place or remove waymark A. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark B. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark C. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark D. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark 1. Overwrites existing wayrmark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark 2. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark 3. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Place or remove waymark 4. Overwrites existing waymark if target is specified.
  Remove all waymarks.
 save 1-5
  Save waymark placements to slots 1-5 of the Waymarks menu.
  preset 1-5
  Load waymark placements from slots 1-5 of the Waymarks menu.

You will enter ground targeting mode ready to place an unused waymark in the order of A-D, 1, 2 when no subcommand is specified. More than six waymarks cannot be placed at one time. If a target name is specified, a marker name must also be specified.

>>Common Placeholders:
 <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>

A full list of placeholders

 /waymark A
 (Enters ground targeting
 mode ready to place
 waymark A.)

 /waymark A <t>
 (Places waymark A at the
 selected target's location.)
/statusoff /statusoff "status" Removes designated beneficial status.

 /statusoff "Bloodbath"
 (Removes Bloodbath.)