All Saints' Wake
- See also: All Saints' Wake Events Quests
“All Saints' Wake is an ancient tradition revolving around Daniffen, Randolfe, Llafymae, and those other paragons of virtue elevated to serve as saints of the Twelve, who during this time of year are said to be called to the heavens for a feast of deific proportions. While none would argue that the saints are deserving of such favor, during this revelry our realm is bereft of their divine protections, allowing fell creatures to come out of hiding and work their wicked devices. Legend has it that a parade of evil led by a pumpkin-headed fiend comes to march through our mundane streets, working malicious magicks—which traditionally spurs most folk to return home before sunset and barricade themselves indoors with kith and kin until dawn.
In modern times, scholars have suggested that this custom and the legend that inspired it began as a way to keep people justifiably wary, as the season coincides with the breeding periods of several species of nocturnal predators. Regardless of tis origin, however, in recent years the Adventurers' Guild has done its utmost to set hearts at ease, and All Saints' Wake has become an occasion for merrymaking, rather than a source of dread. Helped along by delightful delicacies, dramatic displays, and troupes of entertainers—including the remarkably dedicated Continental Circus—the revelry is such that the Twelve can observe from on high.
— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 62
- No event held in 2020 due to pandemic delays.