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A Lawful Trade

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A Lawful Trade

Quest giver
Gyuf Daen
Il Mheg (X:22.8, Y:3.8)
Required items
1 Numbcap spores icon1.png  Numbcap Spores
1 Flower seeds icon1.png  Flower Seeds
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 976
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Lawless Ones

Gyuf Daen isn't in the mood for pixie mischief.

— In-game description



  • Gyuf Daen isn't in the mood for pixie mischief.


Accepting the Quest

Gyuf Daen: Gah, what a quandary this is... The mere thought of going makes me wince...
Gyuf Daen: What ails me? I'm supposed to take myself to Lydha Lran to trade, but I have a strong aversion to the pixies and their antics. I realize this is sudden, but won't you go in my stead?
Gyuf Daen: If you are willing, please see this bag of numbcap spores to a pixie named Jul Feo. In return, they should give you some flower seeds.
Gyuf Daen: Oh, and if they try any tricks on you, incant the word “law.” It will allow you to exact some small revenge.
Gyuf Daen: I pray that you won't have to resort to it, however...
Gyuf Daen: The pixie's name is Jul Feo. Give them the numbcap spores, and you should receive flower seeds in return. If they try any tricks on you, incant the word “law.”

Delivering numbcap spores to Jul Feo

Jul Feo: You're late! And there I thought Nu Mou were supposed to be punc─ Wait, you're Feo Ul's sapling! Come on, let's play, let's play!
<Hand Over 5 Numbcap Spores>
Jul Feo: Oh, the numbcap spores! Tee hee! These are going to be sooo much fun!
Jul Feo: I'm going to throw these at other pixies. And do you know what will happen? It'll make them go numb all over! They won't be able to move a finger! Ahahaha!
Jul Feo: Ah, but I mustn't forget my side of the bargain. You may collect your bags of flower seeds from the fields. I've taken the liberty of leaving them here, there, and everywhere!
Jul Feo: After all, I never made any promises about handing the seeds to you here! Tee hee hee!
< What will you do? > 
< Incant the word “law.” > 	
< Exercise forbearance. >
< Incant the word “law.” > 
Jul Feo: Uwaaaaaah! It tingles, it prickles, it stings! All right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
< Exercise forbearance. >
Jul Feo: Tee hee! Lovely doing business, and send my regards to the good folk of Pla Enni!
Jul Feo: Hm? Shouldn't you be collecting your flower seeds? If you take too long, they might sprout where they lie.

Delivering the flower seeds to Gyuf Daen

Gyuf Daen: Ah, you've returned. Do you have the flower seeds?
<Hand Over 6 Flower Seeds>
Gyuf Daen: Six bags of seeds as agreed upon. Excellent. I won't ask whether you had to incant the word, but I hope the experience wasn't too troublesome. 
Gyuf Daen: Lest you wonder, from these seeds we will extract an oil for use in food and medicine. In the old days, we traded with the men of Voeburt for it, but now we must turn to the pixies. <sigh>
Gyuf Daen: Yet though they can be vexing neighbors, the pixies play an important role in the protection of Il Mheg. We must learn to live with each other for the common good. But I digress. My thanks for your help. Please accept this as fitting payment.