Clan Rijin

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Clan Rijin, of which Hien Rijin is a member, is the ruling family responsible for the founding of Doma. Since Doma's founding, the Rijin clan's sons have ruled as kings with the support of an educated samurai caste. They remained in power until the nations' subjugation by the Garlean Empire, and were restored to power as upon the nations' liberation during Stormblood.

Notable Members

Hien Rijin

Son of Kaien and Mina, current heir to the throne of Doma, and recognized as it's de-facto ruler.

Kaien Rijin

43rd King of Doma, father of Hien, husband of Mina Rijin. Surrendered to invading Garleans in 1552 to avoid further bloodshed.[1]
Following his surrender, Lord Kaien was initially made "Deputy Viceroy" of Doma by the Garleans, who hoped that this action would better allow them to keep the newly-conquered populace under control. In truth however, Kaien was working with the resistance and the Liberation Front to coordinate their activities. After two decades of planning,[2] amidst the chaos of the Garlean War of Succession, Lord Kaien and the resistance staged an uprising against their Garlean occupiers. Although they were able to temporarily retake Doma Castle, it wasn't long before the castle was retaken by Zenos yae Galvus in a crushing defeat that crippled the Doman Resistance for some time. This event would result in Kaien's death; although it is unclear if he made this plan before his defeat, or while in captivity awaiting execution, Kaien's final act was to send his son into hiding, hoping that he would be able to save their kingdom someday.

Seien Rijin

A young ruler who caused a long period of unrest for Doma. Overthrown by his brother Shoen in year 1280.
Upon becoming king, Seien used the funds available to him simply to indulge in his many vices, bringing the kingdom to the brink of financial ruin, to the point where he had to turn to the merchant guilds for more coin. And when they came to collect, instead of paying up, he simply increased taxes more and more.

Shoen Rijin

Came to power in year 1280 of the Sixth Astral era, after leading a successful rebellion against his brother Seien. Said to be just, fair, and level-headed. Having been sought out and then supported in his rebellion by Sasuke Kagekakushi, he then begs Sasuke to remain in Doma as a check against tyranny, leading to the founding of Shinobi-no-Sato.[3] Shoen is also featured in a popular legend regarding an Auspice named Tamamo Gozen.

Ganen Rijin

Statue of Ganen, within The Swallow's Compass

Founded the nation of Doma in year 777 of the Sixth Astral Era.[4] His recognized across Othard as a historic figure of great power, and some even revere him as an ascended mortal of The Amatsukami. In life, he was seen as a wise and powerful leader, known for being merciful and kind. He was a master of Geomancy and worked hard to unite the peoples of Yanxia under a single banner.[5] The geomantic temple known as The Swallow's Compass, to this day, bears several carvings of his honored image.

As a child, Ganen learned the art of geomancy from a wise hermit. Years later, when he was still but a boy of fourteen summers, Ganen became the leader of his clan after his father died in battle. He quickly gained renown in spite of his age, proving to his would-be invaders that his clan --though its holdings were meager-- would not be easy prey because of its young ruler. One strategy famously attributed to him is a trap he laid for a cavalry regiment from an invading clan; dressing his men without armor, Ganen ordered them to flee at the first sight of the enemy, and to lead their pursuers into a marshy area. There, when the weight of the invaders' armor and mounts rendered them stuck in the marsh, Ganen sprang his trap: a hidden host of archers ready to rain down arrows upon their helpless enemies.[5]

When the boy general was grown, he earned a reputation for being a wise and merciful leader. In the realm of military strategy, his geomantic training proved to be of great benefit, with his ability to read the elemental energies giving him a keen sense of when and where he should engage his enemies for the greatest effect. Ganen's disregard for birth and background proved to be his other strength, and would accept all into his service so long as he believed a recruit possessed sufficient ability and wisdom. He became the first general of his clan to accept members of the Lupin and Namazu tribes into his service. When his many successes had at last brought all of Yanxia under his control, the kingdom of Doma was born beneath the Clan Rijin banner.[5]

Notable Allies and Associates


  1. Sixth_Astral_Era/Timeline#cite_note-Garlemald-30
  2. Two decades is really more of an estimate. Knowing that Kaien's surrender was in 1552, *exactly* two decades would make it 1572, which was also the year of the 7uC. ARR begins during the Seventh Umbral Era, "five years after" the calamity, and the Doman refugees arrive in Vesper Bay in Patch 2.2, after the start of the Seventh Astral Era.
  3. Sixth_Astral_Era/Timeline#cite_note-Doma-9
  4. Sixth_Astral_Era/Timeline#cite_note-Doma-9
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 089 "The Feats of Ganen", "The Birth of a Kingdom"