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Where Men Go as One

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Where Men Go as One

Where Men Go as One.png
Quest giver
Rhalgr's Reach (X:14.6, Y:9.4)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 100,000
Gil 778
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestLet Fill Your Hearts with Pride
Main Scenario QuestHomeward Bound
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestFuture Rust, Future Dust
Main Scenario QuestA Dash of Green
Main Scenario QuestYe Wayward Brothers

Main Scenario Progress: 397 / 853 (46.5%)


Stormblood Progress: 18 / 162 (11.1%)


Conrad wishes to thank you for all you have done in such a short time.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Conrad wishes to thank you for all you have done in such a short time.
  • In the midst of your meeting with Commander Kemp, Alphinaud arrives with several other Scions of the Seventh Dawn who have apparently expressed a desire to fight for the Ala Mhigan Resistance, including one Arenvald Lentius, whom you recall from your first days in the Waking Sands. Conrad welcomes his new allies warmly, and states that when the other new recruits have received sufficient training, he will propose a joint assault on Castellum Velodyna to General Aldynn.
  • M'naago, like many of the Resistance, is grateful for your assistance thus far. However, there is no shortage of work to be done, and she and the others should be glad if you were to help hasten the completion of their preparations.


Speak with Conrad

Conrad: Owing to the efforts of you all, we have accomplished a great deal in a short time. The Resistance thanks you for your service, Scions. 
Alphinaud: I see operations here have been proceeding apace in my absence. 
Alisaie: Welcome back, Brother dearest. I take it your efforts to gather new recruits were successful. 
Alphinaud: Indeed. There were several amongst the Scions' ranks that were quite eager to take part in our joint endeavor with the Resistance, whom I am come to present. 
Arenvald: Commander Kemp, if I may! My name is Arenvald Lentinus. A...a half-breed, as you can doubtless tell. I'm here to fight for a free Ala Mhigo. For an Ala Mhigo where women like my mother are never made to suffer. I pray you grant me this honor. 
Conrad: ...You are a trueborn son of Gyr Abania, same as me. This is not my honor to grant, but yours to freely take. Welcome, brother. With our swelling ranks, and the aid of the Eorzean Alliance and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, I believe we will soon be in a position to seize the initiative. Once our new recruits have received sufficient training, I will propose to General Aldynn that we draw up plans for an assault on Castellum Velodyna. 
M'Naago: Then, in the meantime, we will make what preparations we can!

Cutscene to Garlemald

Narrator: Meanwhile, in the Royal Palace of Ala Mhigo... 
At Garlemald, people are singing: Beyond majestic mountains, across the emerald dale, On march the ivory standard, united we prevail. From distant shores of Othard, to lakes of Aldenard, the light of mighty Garlemald, fore'er our guiding star
Imperial Tribunus Militum: Alliance forces have occupied Castrum Oriens and taken up positions along the length of the Wall. Our patrols have engaged their reconnaissance parties on sight, but there have been no significant exchanges... Save one. A unit tasked with field-testing prototype magitek weapons was attacked. The weapons were destroyed, with the unit sustaining near-total casualties. 
Zenos yae Galvus: ...Near-total? Go on. 
Imperial Pilus Prior: My lord, there was but a single survivor from the unit in question, which falls under my command. According to his report, they were ambushed by a contingent of Eorzean Alliance regulars, abetted by Resistance insurgents. 
Zenos yae Galvus: Hm. A simple ambush, and only one survivor. A fine day's work. The stubbornness to survive is not without worth... He may live. However, the XIIth is no place for the weak. 
Imperial Pilus Prior: He shall be relegated at once, my lord. As you say, the XIIth is no place for cowards who count their lives more precious than the cause. 
Zenos yae Galvus: Indeed, indeed. We have no need of cowards...
Imperial Pilus Prior: M-My lord, I... (Zenos slashes down the Pilus Prior)
Zenos yae Galvus: Cowards who defer critical missions to their subordinates - who hide within the castra, never meeting their prey in battle, never staring into the whites of their eyes. Why, when confronted with a heretofore unknown eikon, did we surrender the Wall to the Alliance? Because my honored father, in his infinite wisdom, has not seen fit to grant us leave to march on their lands. Accordingly, we have extended an invitation to our neighbors. Gyr Abania is where we shall host them - the field upon which we shall enjoy the sport of kings. Patience is paramount. Cornered animals may have spirit, but they are ultimately predictable, and very poor sport. But if one dangles the promise of freedom before them, while nipping at their heels to stoke their passion, then things become interesting. It is a delicate dance...and one which asks much of my hounds. And so I put the question to you, my fellow huntsmen: how shall we deal with these savages? 
Fordola: My lord, I have a proposal! 
Imperial Tribunus Militum: Silence, Ala Mhigan! You do forget yourself! Only by the grace of Lord van Baelsar were you afforded a place here - and that in name alone. We have no need of your "proposals", savage. 
Fordola: Grr...
Zenos yae Galvus: This "savage" yearns to hunt her own...The floor is yours, Commander. 
Fordola: Thank you, my lord. 

Speak with M'naago

M'Naago: Right, then. I've got duties to attend to. 
Alphinaud: Mayhap we could assist you with said duties? We are here to help, after all. The three of you have been busy, so I will understand if you require time to rest. If not, however, it would seem sensible to assist our allies with their preparation. 
M'Naago: We'd be grateful for any and all help you can offer. If you ask around, I guarantee you won't want for work.