Sealed with Science

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Sealed with Science

Quest giver
Eastern Thanalan (X:12.7, Y:23.4)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Warded Pot Icon.png  Warded Pot
Experience 22,000
Gil 1,676
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestInto the Eye of the Storm
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestWith the Utmost Care

Main Scenario Progress: 131 / 853 (15.4%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 131 / 241 (54.4%)


Professor Lamberteint is about to show you something you will never forget.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Professor Lamberteint is about to show you something you will never forget.
  • Professor Lamberteint is delighted to encounter one of the few people with an interest in corrupted crystals, although he doubts your ability to handle such dangerous materials. As luck would have it, he is in possession of a specially warded containment device for such an occasion, which he is prepared to lend to you, in spite of your apparent shortcomings. Duly armed, proceed to Highbridge and introduce yourself to Hahasako, one of Professor Lamberteint's dedicated pupils.
  • Hahasako's annoyance turns to delight as he realizes that the professor bade you seek him out. Interpreting his mentor's decision as a tacit acknowledgement of his expertise, Hahasako struggles to regain his composure so that he might aid you.


Accepting the Quest

Lamberteint: Ahhh, so rare it is to find fellow intellectuals in this region. 'Tis even rarer to find one capable of comprehending the nature of corrupted crystals.
Lamberteint: Come to think of it, there was another─a hermit to whom the church had given sanctuary. Curious fellow. Unsociable, rather daft at first impression, yet possessed of an amazing affinity towards the scientific pursuits...
Lamberteint: But to the matter at hand─did you say you wish not to conduct field observations, but to harvest a corrupted crystal?
Lamberteint: Egads, man/woman! At least take the necessary precautions so that you do not suffer from exposure to its harmful energies! I'm beginning to wonder if you've sufficient qualifications to handle such hazardous materials...
Lamberteint: Still, your ignorance is somehow endearing. Luckily for you, I have precisely the means by which these inherent dangers may be averted. Simply store the crystal you seek within this warded pot to protect yourself from its deleterious effects. Though I suppose you will be bombarded with its energies until you place it within the vessel...
Lamberteint: Well, perhaps it shall motivate you to work quickly. In any case, take the pot to Hahasako, a student of mine monitoring the flow of aether at Highbridge. Explain to him your quest, and he shall instruct you in the finer points of crystal harvesting.
Lamberteint: Come, listen closely...Can you hear that beating? 'Tis the flow of aether, the very pulse of the land.
Lamberteint: Truly, Eorzea is a realm of endless wonders. Every day, my heart is set aflutter with a new discovery!

Delivering the warded pot to Hahasako

Hahasako: How many times must I be made to explain myself!? I am not contemplating suicide, you imbecile─I have chosen this precise position to perform scientific measurements!
<Hand Over Warded Pot>
Hahasako: What have we here...a containment vessel!? Why, this is the handiwork of Professor Lamberteint! You thieving knave, I shall call for the─ Oh, you say the man himself lent it to you...
Hahasako: Then you must have sought me out per his instruction...which means he believes me experienced enough to expound upon his explanations! At last, the recognition I so rightfully deserve!